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    Building a bridge/aide

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    Building a bridge/aide
    Message de wsz posté le 28-11-2014 à 18:21:43 (S | E | F)
    toujours avec mon anglais, aujourd'hui j'ai dû résuer un oral concernant un pont.. je vous laisse découvrir lequel.
    Pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger mon texte ?
    Je vous remercie.

    Chris explained us the construction of Rio – Antirrio Bridge thanks to a power point presentation. As a matter of fact, this bridge links Peloponnese to mainland Greece between the two cities which are Rion and Antirion.
    Design Checker is the engineering design group, Berdg Mikaëlian is the architect t and Geyfire is the main contractor. The delays required is six years for a price of around € 772 million.

    I retained only three important dates : in July 19, 1998 the first rock was set up ; in spite of earthquake in August 14, 2003 there isn‘t damages ; opening in August 16, 2004.

    In brief, he presents the features of Cable-stayed Rio – Antirrio Bridge. Indeed, I could remerber that it is composed of 4 piers which bear the loads of 5 spans (3 spans of 560 m and 2 spans of 286 m). Therefor, it reaches 2.8 km in lenght with an average height of around 163.7 m.

    There are many environmental constraints such as the seabed of poor qualitif or tectonic movement. However, the latter is more worrying because seismic fault crosses the bridge. As a consequence underwater foundations are the most challenging part of the project.

    Thereby, the solution is to base each of four huge pillars on a 200 rigid inclusions stuck in the soft ground. These inclusions are made of 200 steel tube two meters in diameter and 25 to 30 meters long. They are covered with a gravel pad, capable of supporting the bases of the towers. The piers are not related to soil reinforcement tubes because in case of a strong earthquake, all could have gone. The gravel pad made cushion effect, the sole can slide horizontally above.

    The piers reaches 220 m height. The upper portion of the stack is an inverted pyramid. Each tower has four legs inclined reinforced concrete converging in the mast head to form a monolithic structure. The bases of the four concrete piers are circular of 90 meters in diameter. The complexity of the piers and the site explains the 4 steps of the construction.

    The features of the cables stayed or deck are more traditional, for the first it’s a deck continious beam with a mixture of concrete-steel, for the second, 368 cables-stayed are required. In one cable stayed there are 70 strands and in the strands there are 7 steels wires.

    To conclude, it’s the world’s longest cable stayed deck after the Millau viaduc.It's an interesting project because there are enormous technicals challenges.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 28-11-2014 18:32

    Réponse: Building a bridge/aide de here4u, postée le 28-11-2014 à 20:36:13 (S | E)
    Hello !

    Chris explained us the construction of Rio – Antirrio Bridge to us thanks to a power point presentation. As a matter of fact, this bridge links Peloponnese to mainland Greece between the two cities which are: Rion and Antirion.
    Design Checker is the engineering design group, Berdg Mikaëlian is the architect t and Geyfire is the main contractor. The delays required is six years for a price of around 772 million.€

    I retained only three important dates : in July 19, 1998 the first rock was set up ; in spite of XX earthquake in August 14, 2003 there isn‘t(tenses + plural required) damages ; opening in August 16, 2004.(revoir ce que l'on met dvant les dates !)

    In brief, he (who's 'he'? ) presents the features of Cable-stayed Rio – Antirrio Bridge. Indeed, I could remerber that it is composed of 4 piers which bear the loads of 5 spans (3 spans of 560 m and 2 spans of 286 m). ThereforE, it reaches 2.8 km in lenght with an average height of around 163.7 m.

    There are many environmental constraints such as the seabed of poor qualitif or tectonic movement. However, the latter is more worrying because seismic fault??? (what do you mean ?) crosses the bridge. As a consequence underwater foundations are the most challenging partS of the project.

    Thereby, the solution is to base each of four huge pillars on a 200 rigid inclusions stuck in the soft ground. These inclusions are made of 200 steel tube two meters in diameter and 25 to 30 meters long. They are covered with a gravel pad, capable of supporting the bases of the towers. The piers are not related to soil reinforcement tubes because in case of a strong earthquake, all could have gone.(could have gone is the past ... you need a future !) The gravel pad made X cushion effect, the sole can slide horizontally above.(above what ?)

    The piers reaches 220 m XX height. The upper portion of the stack is an inverted pyramid. Each tower has four legs inclined reinforced concrete??? converging in the mast head to form a monolithic structure. The bases of the four concrete piers are circular of 90 meters in diameter. The complexity of the piers and the site explains the 4 steps of the construction.

    The features of the cables stayed or deck are more traditional(SORRY ! I can't understand !) , for the first it’s a deck continious beam with a mixture of concrete- and steel, for the second, 368 cables-stayed are required.??? In one cable stayed (what do you mean ?)there are 70 strands and in the strands there are 7 steels wires.

    To conclude, it’s the world’s longest cable stayed deck after the Millau viaduc.It's an interesting project because there are enormous technicals challenges.

    I don't know much about bridges, but I studied the Tower of London and the Brooklyn Bridge ... I'm sorry, but in your study there are many things I don't understand ...They may be purely technical, but I don't think they all are ...

    Bon courage !

    Réponse: Building a bridge/aide de wsz, postée le 28-11-2014 à 22:50:15 (S | E)
    Bonjour Here4U,
    tout d'abord merci de me venir en aide ça me permet de bien avancer.
    Voici le nouvel essai après correction des éléments que vous m'avez indiqués.

    Chris explained the construction of Rio – Antirrio Bridge to us thanks to a power point presentation. As a matter of fact, this bridge links Peloponnese to mainland Greece between the two cities Rion and Antirion.

    Design Checker is the engineering design group, Berdg Mikaëlian is the architect and Geyfire is the main contractor. The delays required was six years for a price of around 772 million €.

    I retained only three important dates : on July 19, 1998 the first rock was set up ; in spite of the earthquake on August 14, 2003 there wasn’t damages; opening on August 16, 2004.

    In brief, he (who's 'he'? => Chris c’est un homme / Cf 1° paragraphe) presents the features of Cable-stayed Rio – Antirrio Bridge. Indeed, I could remember that it is composed of 4 piers which bear the loads of 5 spans (3 spans of 560 m and 2 spans of 286 m). Therefore, it reaches 2.8 km in length with an average height of around 163.7 m.

    There are many environmental constraints such as the seabed of poor quality or plate tectonic movement. However, the latter is more worrying because seismic fault (what do you mean ? = faille) crosses the bridge. As a consequence underwater foundations are the most challenging partS of the project.

    Thereby, the solution is to base each of four huge pillars on a 200 rigid inclusions stuck in the soft ground. These inclusions are made of 200 steel tube two meters in diameter and 25 to 30 meters long. They are covered with a gravel pad, capable of supporting the bases of the towers. The piers are not related to soil reinforcement tubes because in case of a strong earthquake, everything could switch The gravel pad made a cushion effect, the sole can slide horizontally above.(above what ?= Gravel)

    The piers reache 220 m in height. The upper portion of the stack is an inverted pyramid. Each tower has four members inclined reinforced concrete converging in the mast head to form a monolithic structure. The bases of the four concrete piers are circular with a diameter of 90 meters. The complexity of the piers and the site explains the 4 steps of the construction.

    The features of the cables stayed or deck are less surprising, for the first it’s a deck continuous beam with a mixture of concrete- and steel, for the second, 368 cables-stayed are required. In one cable stayed (what do you mean ?= haubans) there are 70 strands and in the strands there are 7 steels wires.

    To conclude, it’s the world’s longest cable stayed deck after the Millau viaduc.It's an interesting project because there are enormous technical challenges.


    Résumé rapide en Français des passage techniques

    "Thereby, the solution is to base each ..." => fonder chacun des quatre énormes piliers sur un ensemble de 200 inclusions rigides fichées dans le sol meuble. Ces inclusions sont constituées de 200 tubes d'acier creux de deux mètres de diamètre et de 25 à 30 mètres de long. Ils sont recouverts d'un tapis de gravier de 2,75 mètres d'épaisseur, capable de supporter les embases des pylônes de 90 mètres de diamètre et 13 mètres de hauteurc 4.Les piles ne sont pas liées aux tubes de renforcement du sol car en cas de fort séisme, le tout aurait pu basculer. Le tapis de gravier fait effet de fusible ou de coussin

    " the piers..." : La partie supérieure de la pile est une pyramide inversée d’une hauteur d'environ 15 mètres avec une base carrée de 38 mètres de côté. Chaque pylône se compose de quatre jambes inclinées en béton armé d’une section de 4 mètres par 4, convergeant dans la tête de pylône pour former une structure monolithique.

    Les embases des quatre piles en béton sont circulaires de 90 mètres de diamètre et pèsent 150 000 tonnes chacune.

    "In one cable stayed (what do you mean ?= haubans) there are 70 strands and in the strands there are 7 steels wires." =>
    Ce que j'ai voulu dire c'est un cable (haubans) est constitué de 70 brins et que c'est brins sont constitués de 7 fils d'acier
    un hauban : Sens Câble assurant le maintien du mât d'un bateau, ou de toute autre construction, comme un pont.

    J'espère avoir de nouveau votre avis, encore merci.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 28-11-2014 23:03
    Pas de rouge sur le forum, merci.

    Réponse: Building a bridge/aide de here4u, postée le 29-11-2014 à 08:38:54 (S | E)

    Je viens juste de jeter un coup d'oeil! Merci pour les détails techniques que j'avais en gros compris ... Maintenant savoir si c'est bien le mot utilisé en l'occurence est votre tàche ! ;0)
    Ce qui saute aux yeux est un mélange sujets pluriels et surprisingly, verbes au singulier ...
    Une petite relecture pour ce point .... J'aurai plus de temps tout à l'heure ( j'espère ... ) A+

    Réponse: Building a bridge/aide de wsz, postée le 29-11-2014 à 11:49:00 (S | E)
    j'ai relu mais je n'ai pas trouvé, pouvez vous me préciser les erreurs ? svp
    pour résumé, mes sujets sont:
    he => Chris qui a fait cette présentation
    I => Moi qui résume
    It => Généralement c'est le pont

    => Design Checker is the engineering design group, Berdg Mikaëlian is the architect and Geyfire is the main contractor. The delays required was six years for a price of around 772 million €.

    il faudrait peut -être mettre du passé non ? ou le présent est bon puisque qu'il s'agit d'une vérité générale ?

    J'attends votre réponse. Merci d'être repassé sur mon sujet.

    Réponse: Building a bridge/aide de here4u, postée le 29-11-2014 à 12:02:18 (S | E)
    Hello !

    J'ai relu le tout ...

    - je n'aime ps trop l'énumération des maîtres d'oeuvre avec sur-emploi de 'is'
    -delays = pluriel => verbe doit être au pluriel aussi
    - I retained only 3 dates = clumsy => trouver quelque chose du genre '3 landmarks should be ...;
    - He = Crhis est trop loin du moment où il a été cité => the engineer ? the conceptor ? si vous ne voulez pas répéter son nom ...
    - I could remember = clumsy (comme si c'était un exploit au milieu d'un exposé confus ...)
    - Indeed = à changer (citation de notrepere (à tous) ; indeed = le mot de liaison le plus galvaudé dans les traductions de français à anglais ...)
    - tectomic plate movementS
    - A seismic fault
    Thereby = boff Il y a mieux ...
    a 200m rigid inclusion
    - 200steel tubes
    - everything should swing ??? (est-ce l'effet recherché afin que ça ne casse pas ...)
    - above the gravel.
    - piers reach
    - 4 inclined members = not clear ...
    - for the first : = the former
    - for the second := the latter
    - 7 steel (sans S) wires
    - a viaduCt

    Pour 'hauban' , je n'ai trouvé nulle part ce que vous proposez ... jamais entendu ... mais je parle rarement de ponts (sauf celui de Brooklyn ou on avait, entre béotiens parlé de 'suspension bridge' et de 'wires'.)
    Voilà ! I did my best ... Hope it will help !

    Réponse: Building a bridge/aide de wsz, postée le 29-11-2014 à 14:48:23 (S | E)

    Voici mes réponses à vos commentaires :
    - je n'aime ps trop l'énumération des maîtres d'oeuvre avec sur-emploi de 'is' => modification : Design Checker (engineering design group), Berdg Mikaëlian (architect) , Geyfire (main contractor) are the main actors of this project
    -delays = pluriel => verbe doit être au pluriel aussi => The delay was ( c’est un délai du coup j’ai préféré tout mettre au singulier)
    - I retained only 3 dates = clumsy => j’ai complété votre proposition '3 landmarks should be important to remember..
    - He = Crhis est trop loin du moment où il a été cité => the engineer ? the conceptor ? si vous ne voulez pas répéter son nom s’agit de mon camarade de classe du coup j’ai opté pour my classmate

    - I could remember = clumsy (comme si c'était un exploit au milieu d'un exposé confus ...) => remplacer par we can notice..

    - Indeed =
    à changer (citation de notrepere (à tous) ; indeed = le mot de liaison le plus galvaudé dans les traductions de français à anglais ...) => Remplacer par to this end = à cet effet (je pense que le sens va bien avec la phrase

    - tectomic plate movementS => Ok
    - A seismic fault => Ok
    -Thereby = boff Il y a mieux ... => Thus

    - a 200m rigid inclusion => « a 200 rigid inclusions» Je ne comprends pas, il s’agit bien de 200 inclusions rigides, pourquoi avoir ajouté un « m » ? pourquoi n’y a-t-il pas de « s » a inclusion ?

    - 200steel tubes => ok
    - everything should swing ??? (est-ce l'effet recherché afin que ça ne casse pas ...) => le but c’est d’éviter que tout se deverse (favorable si le tout est un bloc) dois je changer quelque chose ?
    - above the gravel. => ok
    - piers reach => ok
    - 4 inclined members = not clear ... => four branches ( ce n’est pas une branche d’arbre mais une branche en générale )
    - for the first : = the former => ok
    - for the second := the latter => ok
    - 7 steel (sans S) wires => ok
    - a viaduCt => ok
    - Pour 'hauban', je n'ai trouvé nulle part ce que vous proposez ... jamais entendu ... mais je parle rarement de ponts (sauf celui de Brooklyn ou on avait, entre béotiens parlé de 'suspension bridge' et de 'wires'.) => j’ai vérifé est ca serait bien cable-stayed

    - Voilà ! I did my best ... Hope it will help ! => Thank you very much !

    Voici le résumé :
    Chris explained the construction of Rio – Antirrio Bridge to us thanks to a power point presentation. As a matter of fact, this bridge links Peloponnese to mainland Greece between the two cities Rion and Antirion.
    Design Checker (engineering design group), Berdg Mikaëlian (architect) , Geyfire (main contractor) are the main actors of this project . The delay required was six years for a price of around 772 million €.
    Three landmarks should be important to remember : on July 19, 1998 the first rock was set up ; in spite of the earthquake on August 14, 2003 there wasn’t damages; opening on August 16, 2004.
    In brief, my classmate presents the features of Cable-stayed Rio – Antirrio Bridge. To this end, we can notice it is composed of 4 piers which bear the loads of 5 spans (3 spans of 560 m and 2 spans of 286 m). Therefore, it reaches 2.8 km in length with an average height of around 163.7 m.
    There are many environmental constraints such as the seabed of poor quality or tectomic plate movements. However, the latter is more worrying because a seismic fault crosses the bridge. As a consequence underwater foundations are the most challenging partS of the project.
    Thus, the solution is to base each of four huge pillars on a 200 rigid inclusions stuck in the soft ground. These inclusions are made of 200 steel tubes two meters in diameter and 25 to 30 meters long. They are covered with a gravel pad, capable of supporting the bases of the towers. The piers are not related to soil reinforcement tubes because in case of a strong earthquake, everything could switch. The gravel pad made a cushion effect, the sole can slide horizontally above the gravel.
    The piers reach 220 m in height. The upper portion of the stack is an inverted pyramid. Each tower has four branches inclined reinforced concrete converging in the mast head to form a monolithic structure. The bases of the four concrete piers are circular with a diameter of 90 meters. The complexity of the piers and the site explains the 4 steps of the construction.
    The features of the cables stayed or deck are less surprising, the former it’s a deck continuous beam with a mixture of concrete- and steel, the latter, 368 cables-stayed are required. In one cable stayed there are 70 strands and in the strands there are 7 steel wires.
    To conclude, it’s the world’s longest cable stayed deck after the Millau viaduct .It's an interesting project because there are enormous technical challenges.

    J'attends votre retour, merci pour vos réponses.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 30-11-2014 18:10
    Bug police réparé

    Réponse: Building a bridge/aide de wsz, postée le 30-11-2014 à 18:02:02 (S | E)
    les modifications vous semblent-elles bonnes ? Avez vous d'autres suggestions sur mon texte ?
    Merci d'avance pour vos réponses et bon weekend.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 30-11-2014 18:15

    Réponse: Building a bridge/aide de here4u, postée le 30-11-2014 à 19:19:37 (S | E)
    Hello !

    J'ai relu le tout et je commence à voir des cables partout !!!

    - the 3 landmarks 'are' (en not should ... sorry, ça dépendait de la suite ...)
    - there wasn't (= singulier pour le verbe) damages (pluriel pour le sujet ! = IMPOSSIBLE)
    - 'the former is' (pas de it's, puisque le sujet est déjà 'the former')

    - on a (= singulier ! )200 inclusions (= pluriel => toujours IMPOSSIBLE)
    - et 'switch' ne me semble pas clair ... mais du moment qu'il l'est pour vous, c'est l'essentiel !

    Réponse: Building a bridge/aide de wsz, postée le 30-11-2014 à 20:15:10 (S | E)
    Merci d'être repassée sur mon sujet, à vrai dire moi aussi j'en vois partout des câbles, des ponts, du coup j'ai varié pour le prochain sujet (j'en ai plusieurs à faire)j'ai choisi une plateforme pétrolière mais je commence déjà a me tirer les cheveux.
    Pour vous éviter de tout relire voici mes réponses à vos derniers commentaires :

    Chris explained the construction of Rio – Antirrio Bridge to us thanks to a power point presentation. As a matter of fact, this bridge links Peloponnese to mainland Greece between the two cities Rion and Antirion.
    Design Checker (engineering design group), Berdg Mikaëlian (architect) , Geyfire (main contractor) are the main actors of this project . The delay required was six years for a price of around 772 million €.
    Three landmarks are important to remember : on July 19, 1998 the first rock was set up ; in spite of the earthquake on August 14, 2003 there wasn’t damage; opening on August 16, 2004.
    In brief, my classmate presents the features of Cable-stayed Rio – Antirrio Bridge. To this end, we can notice it is composed of 4 piers which bear the loads of 5 spans (3 spans of 560 m and 2 spans of 286 m). Therefore, it reaches 2.8 km in length with an average height of around 163.7 m.
    There are many environmental constraints such as the seabed of poor quality or tectomic plate movements. However, the latter is more worrying because a seismic fault crosses the bridge. As a consequence underwater foundations are the most challenging partS of the project.
    Thus, the solution is to base each of four huge pillars on 200 rigid inclusions stuck in the soft ground. These inclusions are made of 200 steel tubes two meters in diameter and 25 to 30 meters long. They are covered with a gravel pad, capable of supporting the bases of the towers. The piers are not related to soil reinforcement tubes because in case of a strong earthquake, everything could flip. The gravel pad made a cushion effect, the sole can slide horizontally above the gravel.
    The piers reach 220 m in height. The upper portion of the stack is an inverted pyramid. Each tower has four branches inclined reinforced concrete converging in the mast head to form a monolithic structure. The bases of the four concrete piers are circular with a diameter of 90 meters. The complexity of the piers and the site explains the 4 steps of the construction.
    The features of the cables stayed or deck are less surprising, the former is a deck continuous beam with a mixture of concrete- and steel, the latter, 368 cables-stayed are required. In one cable stayed there are 70 strands and in the strands there are 7 steel wires.
    To conclude, it’s the world’s longest cable stayed deck after the Millau viaduct .It's an interesting project because there are enormous technical challenges.

    Encore Merci ! Verdict final ?

    Modifié par wsz le 30-11-2014 20:15

    Réponse: Building a bridge/aide de wsz, postée le 01-12-2014 à 16:50:12 (S | E)
    les modifications vous semblent-elles bonnes ? Avez vous d'autres suggestions sur mon texte ?
    Merci d'avance pour vos réponses

    Réponse: Building a bridge/aide de here4u, postée le 02-12-2014 à 01:27:39 (S | E)
    Il est tard ... Euh 'tôt.!
    Ce qui me gêne encore :
    - there wasn't damages devrait être there weren't any damages ou there wasn't any damage !
    Good night !

    Réponse: Building a bridge/aide de wsz, postée le 04-12-2014 à 22:01:14 (S | E)
    Bonsoir Here4u, je repasse simplement pour vous remercier; j'ai pu rendre mon dossier à temps grâce à l'aide que j'ai pu obtenir sur le forum. Encore merci

    Modifié par lucile83 le 04-12-2014 23:25

    Réponse: Building a bridge/aide de here4u, postée le 05-12-2014 à 16:28:04 (S | E)
    It was a pleasure, really !

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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