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    Correction/dossier lele

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    Correction/dossier lele
    Message de lesentier posté le 01-03-2020 à 19:46:21 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous!
    Je remercie de façon très chaleureuse la personne qui aura le courage de corriger l'orthographe et la syntaxe de ce travail, ou qui pourra, du moins, donner quelques conseils.

    Characters and their transformation is a theme which we cant explain today in all their aspects, so we will studied here the gothic aspect of the transformation (worked this u=year in class). So, it is necessary to describe and define what is gothic fiction. Therefore, gothic fiction is a genre create in 18th century which wanted to break away normal and the romantic literature. Due to, several authors of this time, create this gothi aspect in their story by atmosphere, the presents characters and their places in the story, and the time. Primarily, Gothic fiction look for feelling from reader, such as fear, suspence, fascination…
    Usually, gothic authors use science to provocate this impression, it is possible to wonder : towhat extent can gothi literature criticise scientific progress ?
    In connection to this topic, I have chosen two extract of gothic novels from 19th century, an extract of the chapter V of Frankenstein entitled « The modern prometheus » written by Mary Shelly in 1818 and an extract of the chapter X of Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde entitled « Jakyll’s full statement written by Robert Louis Stenvenson ; because this two extract deal with Science in thier gothic aspects. Another I have chosen an american illustration entitled « A GALVANIZED CORPSE » print by Robinson in 1836.

    First of all, study the characters of the two extracts. The creation of Victor Frankeinstein is discribe as a creature (and not a human). So this creature have yellow skine, and we can see his arteries. It's already an disturbing impression for the reader. The later is odd, and he is so considered as a "catastrophe" by Victor. Due to, whereas the fact of create the life was a dream of progress that far exceeded moderation he said; this dream is destroyed and vanished by the disgust and the horror his monster provacate. We find also this contrast in the caracter with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide. Especially as the doctor is obseded with the idea we are all composed of two contrasting beings The potion he create approuved the duality of man, so it's a progress, but that procate him pain. Such as Frankenstein, he is affected by him creation, whereas Jekyll are intellectual, moral, has a vertu (we are always in a religious society in this time), his contrasting, "Mr Hide" is ugly, evil, deformity, smaller, naughty.
    We can say Dr Jekyll is elated with his creation, and it affects him personally whereas Dr F is disgusted but it concerns another body.
    For all cases, the sublime which we can watch through the contrast between the dream of accomplissement of the science and the anormal results that provocate a fascination and a ruptur of harmonious. So the science is responsible of this anomalies.

    II-Atmosphere And Setting place
    We find then this idea of sublime through gothic atmosphere and the setting where to happen the characters transformation. Particularly in Frankenstein, when the scene take place the night and in november (november is cold...). The colors of the creature which we studied before creat a contrast between the light and the darkness, (that we can understand by a contrast between the life and the death). The two caracters are confronted to be isolated during the transformations, it is also an aspect of gothic.
    So the scene of transformation are terrifyng but also realistic, and the transformation of characters in these two extracts shocked the readers of these time, because Science in these story disturb the religious relation with death. By the by, I have chosen this illustration where we can see a galvanized corpse (method method that inspired Mary Shelley to write Frankenstein) because she represente a ruptur between life and death!

    To conclude we could say the science is criticized in these gohic novels, through the caracters and their tranformation which are « sublime » and by the time and spaces of the scene. So we can say Science is in affront against religious vertu of the 19th century.

    Réponse : Correction/dossier lele de laure95, postée le 02-03-2020 à 10:32:55 (S | E)
    - a theme which (pas obligatoire)we cant (can't)explain today
    - so we will studied: will + infinitif.
    -what is gothic fiction: ordre des mots (interrogative indirecte)
    - a genre create (participe passé) in (article)18th century
    - and the (pas de the) romantic literature.
    - Due to,(pas de virgule) several authors of this (that pas this) time, create (passé ou présetn?)this gothi aspect in their story
    - the presents (pas de s)characters
    - Gothic fiction look (faute de conjugaison)for feelling from reader,
    - towhat (séparer les mots) extent can gothi literature criticise scientific progress ?: ordre des mots (interrogative indirecte)
    - two extract (pluriel)of gothic novels from 19th century,
    - because this (this + singulier) two extract (pluriel) deal with Science in thier gothic aspects.
    - Another (pas à la bonne place) I have chosen an american (majuscule)illustration entitled « A GALVANIZED CORPSE » print (participe passé)by Robinson in 1836.

    First of all, (let's)study the characters of the two extracts.
    - The creation of Victor Frankeinstein is discribe (orthographe + participe passé)as a creature
    - So this creature have (faute de conjugaison)(article)yellow skine (orthographe),
    -an disturbing impression: an + mot commençant par une voyelle.
    - Due to, :due to w hat?
    - whereas the fact of create (of + verbe + ing) the life
    - his monster provacate (orthographe + faute de conjugaison)
    - . We (can)find also this contrast
    - caracter (orthographe)with (pas la bonne préposition) Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide (orthographe).
    - he create (faute de conjugaison) approuved (orthographe)the duality of man,
    - but that procate (faute de conjugaison) him pain.
    - he is affected by him (ce n'est pas le possessif)creation,
    - whereas Jekyll are (faute de conjugaison) intellectual,
    - "Mr Hide" is ugly, evil (ce n'est pas un adjectif), deformity (ce n'est pas un adjectif), smaller, naughty.
    - the dream of (article) accomplissement of the (pas de the) science
    - a ruptur of harmonious: ?
    - So the (pas de the) science is responsible of (pas la bonne préposition) this (this + singulier) anomalies.

    II-Atmosphere And Setting place
    - through (article)gothic atmosphere
    - where to happen: ?
    - the characters (marque de la possession)transformation.
    - when the scene take (faute de conjugaison) place the (pas de the + il faut une préposition)night
    - creat
    - between the life and the death: pas de the.
    - caracters
    - So the scene of transformation are (faute de conjugaison)terrifyng (orthographe)
    - the transformation of (article) characters
    - these story: these + pluriel.
    - By the by: ?
    - because she represente (faute de conjugaison)a ruptur between life and death!

    - To conclude we could say the (pas de the)science is criticized in these gohic novels,
    - and by the time and spaces of the scene:?


    Réponse : Correction/dossier lele de gerold, postée le 02-03-2020 à 13:49:37 (S | E)

    Une petite remarque : Il faut éviter "to provocate" considéré comme une erreur pour "to provoke" et que l'on trouve surtout dans des textes écrits par des non-anglophones.

    Réponse : Correction/dossier lele de lesentier, postée le 03-03-2020 à 09:27:26 (S | E)
    Bonjour et merci pour vos réponses

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