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    Résumé/ Blitz

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    Résumé/ Blitz
    Message de fannyb posté le 28-03-2020 à 16:56:57 (S | E | F)
    Je dois effectuer une présentation ainsi qu’un résumé de 80 mots d’un extrait du témoignage de Eileen Younghusband dans le livre "One Woman’s War".
    Pouvez-vous m’indiquer mes erreurs s’il vous plaît ?
    Merci pour vos réponses.

    This document is an extract of a testimony entitled "One Woman’s War", its author is Eileen Younghusband a member of the WAAF. This book was published the 6 July 2011. The setting is London and it’s about her experience when she sheltered in the tube and what she saw in London during the Blitz.

    Eileen explains she saw London on fire.The houses were destroyed so Londoners had found refuge in the subway stations. However, life on the tube was not always easy. Eileen watched people screaming and children turning yellow because they've not been out in the open air. On the other hand, the authorities had provided metal banks bed to ease the ordeal. The people had not lost their good mood, though. Thus, the bombing didn't destroy their state of mind, so they had won that part.

    Réponse : Résumé/ Blitz de gerondif, postée le 28-03-2020 à 18:39:11 (S | E)
    Erreurs en bleu
    This document is an extract of from a testimony entitled "One Woman’s War",(point) its author is Eileen Younghusband (virgule) a member of the WAAF. This book was published on the 6th of July, 2011 /on July 6th, 2011. The setting is London and it’s about her experience when she sheltered in the tube and what she saw in London during the Blitz.

    Eileen explains she saw London on fire.The houses were destroyed so Londoners had found refuge in the subway stations. However, life on the tube(signifie dans le métro, à bord des rames, on + moyen de transport en commun. Life in the tube, in the underground stations, in the tube stations...) was not always easy. Eileen watched people screaming and children turning yellow because they've(un cran plus haut, had not been) not been out in the open air. On the other hand, the authorities had provided metal banks bed (premier élément invariable dans les noms composés, a brush for your teeth is a toothbrush. Vous êtes sûre que ce n'est pas bunk-beds ?) to ease the ordeal. The people had not lost their good mood, though. Thus, the bombing didn't destroy their state of mind, so they had won that part.

    Réponse : Résumé/ Blitz de fannyb, postée le 28-03-2020 à 19:26:02 (S | E)

    This document is an extract from a testimony entitled "One Woman’s War".Its author is Eileen Younghusband, a member of the WAAF. This book was published on the 6th of July, 2011. The setting is London and it’s about her experience when she sheltered in the tube and what she saw in London during the Blitz.

    Eileen explains she saw London on fire. The houses were destroyed so Londoners had found refuge in the subway stations. However, life in the tube was not always easy. Eileen watched people screaming and children turning yellow because they had not been out in the open air. On the other hand, the authorities had provided metal banks bed j’ai repris les mêmes mots que dans l’extrait to ease the ordeal. The people had not lost their good mood, though. Thus, the bombing didn't destroy their state of mind, so they had won that part.

    Réponse : Résumé/ Blitz de gerondif, postée le 28-03-2020 à 19:55:38 (S | E)
    Alors, ce serait bank beds, mais beds au pluriel de toutes façons.
    bank beds sous google me redirige directement sur bunk-beds.
    Voir aussi bunks, des lits de camp.

    Réponse : Résumé/ Blitz de here4u, postée le 28-03-2020 à 20:18:52 (S | E)
    Hello !

    «  bunk-beds » ! = lits «  superposés », à étage !

    Réponse : Résumé/ Blitz de fannyb, postée le 29-03-2020 à 14:50:18 (S | E)

    Je vais utiliser le terme "metal beds " pour être sûre.

    Merci beaucoup pour toutes vos corrections !

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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