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    Vocabulaire éducation nationale

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    Vocabulaire éducation nationale
    Message de bookworm posté le 24-07-2014 à 09:33:28 (S | E | F)
    I have taught on and off with "l'éducation nationale" with more off than on. I am now specialised in teaching to adults. However I am going to attempt teaching again in a Lycée, but before it starts I need some help about the language used there. I am strating to prepare my classes and looking at interesting teaching websites for (2nd, 1ère and terminale) I encouonter the following POC/POI-CO/PO/CE/PE

    It would help greatly if any one of you could tell me what those stand for as I am very bad with the "education nationale's riddle" and I am pretty sure no one in September will understand that I know none of these.

    Thanks a lot
    Modifié par bridg le 24-07-2014 09:37

    Réponse: Vocabulaire éducation nationale de bluduck2, postée le 24-07-2014 à 14:58:25 (S | E)
    Hello bookworm ! I suggest looking closely at the school books used by your future students , reading the teacher's book and reading the latest "instructions officielles" on the Education Nationale site .
    Then check on the site of the Académie de Grenoble for tips .
    When the CRDP opens again,look at the brochures dedicated to "didactique des langues vivantes" (written for the students who are in teaching practice).You will find all the acronyms .
    Enjoy your studious summer, preparing lessons ! All the best from Bluduck2

    Réponse: Vocabulaire éducation nationale de kalenda, postée le 28-07-2014 à 19:34:46 (S | E)
    Hello bookworm,

    POI = production orale en interaction
    POC = production orale en continu
    PE : production écrite
    CE : compréhension écrite
    CO : compréhension orale

    Take care

    Réponse: Vocabulaire éducation nationale de bookworm, postée le 02-08-2014 à 16:08:17 (S | E)

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