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    Oral/Locations and Forms of Power

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    Oral/Locations and Forms of Power
    Message de alizeze posté le 21-05-2016 à 00:03:52 (S | E | F)
    je poste mon oral de Bac sur la notion Locations and Forms of Power. Je n'ai pas un très bon niveau d'anglais donc je vous demande de me corriger mes fautes ou du moins me dire où est ce qu' il y a des fautes.
    Merci de vos réponses.

    I'm going to talk about the notion of Locations and Forms of Power. First of all, a power it’s the ability or the capacity to exercise a control on a person or on a nation. A location of power could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power: like one of the medias, of money… Documents chosen are mainly about different power in the United-States. What are different power in the USA? Firstly, I will show the power of the United States by its vision outside the country. Then, I will represent the power of the immigration on the language by a new language used in adverts to better target Hispanics.

    Firstly, the cartoon « Dreamland », of Peter Pismetrovic, is an accumulation of symbolic images of America. The cartoonist choose images showing the good part of this nation. The USA are a land of success stories (Coca-Cola, McDonald’s) ; a land of freedom (the Statue of Liberty) ; a land of achievement (The Empire State Building) ; a land of entertainment (Marilyn Monroe, John Wayne, Mickey Mouse) ; is also a superpower (Uncle Sam with a gun). This country is a unity of a dream represented in the American Dream. People outside the United States dream of a land of freedom and justice for all. Immigrants came to America to flee oppressions and poverty, for freedom and success.
    The USA is a place of different power: economic in a consumer society; or the media’s power with entertainment. This country is a superpower thanks to the immigration promoted by the American Dream.
    I think that the cartoonist choose this images for approves the concept of the American Dream but it is a conventional vision of the USA, distorted. Some images are missing from this picture of the USA: there is no allusion to the poverty or to the racism. To my mind, immigrants were excluded from the system, despite their impact on the development of this nation, on the formation of this power represented in the American Dream. It attracts immigrants that have an impact on American culture.

    Secondly, the audio «  Spanglish, the new lingo » talk about a specific language who has become a commercial strategy to promote various products which target the Latino community in the US. This significant purchasing power will triple over the next few years, according to some associations. This mixed language is the result of the American melting-pot with Hispanics, and it will shape American culture by developing a hybrid identity. Like this, Hispanics are the largest minority group in the US coming from the immigration from, principally, Mexico. They represent a subculture supporting the US economy, while being a necessary workforce.
    American society today is marked by a power of immigrants as much about language as the country's economy. Immigrants are ignored but ensure the well being of the USA, they help keep the country a float.
    The influence of the immigration is a power on the country creating a new language. The bilingual Hispanics is a target of advertisements in Spanglish, like this, the immigration is an enormous revenues for companies. The bilingualism opens up greater opportunities for the bilingual with greater opportunity to easily find a job. But also for the company to the extent that the bilingualism brings more advertising target.

    In conclusion, America is a powerful country with the economic power. Many persons research the American dream, so they immigrate in this country where everything seem possible. Furthermore, this immigration cause a mix of two different languages principally in advertisements. Besides, the economic power is still unequally distributed, it still exists a gap between the rich and the poor.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 21-05-2016 07:43

    Réponse: Oral/Locations and Forms of Power de laure95, postée le 23-05-2016 à 15:21:34 (S | E)
    - a (enlever A )power it’s (enlever IT)the ability or the capacity
    - (the)Documents chosen are mainly about different power (pluriel)in the United-States. What are (the)different power (pluriel) in the USA?
    - to better target Hispanics: ?

    - The cartoonist choose (present perfect)images showing the good part of this nation.
    - is (enlever IS) also a superpower (Uncle Sam with a gun).
    - This country is a unity of a dream: ?
    - to flee oppressions (singulier)and poverty, for freedom and success.
    - The USA is a place of different power (pluriel): economic (eceonomical)in a consumer society;
    - I think that the cartoonist choose (present perfect) this images (this + singulier)for (to)approves (infinitif)the concept
    - there is no allusion to the (pas de the) poverty or to the (idem)racism.

    - Secondly, the audio « Spanglish, the new lingo » talk about (un document ne parle pas)a specific language who (pas le bon relatif)
    - (the) American society today is marked by a power of immigrants
    - The influence of the (pas de the) immigration is a power on the country creating a new language.
    - The bilingual Hispanics is (pluriel)a target of advertisements in Spanglish
    -an enormous revenues: ?
    - to easily find (ordre des mots)a job.

    - In conclusion, America is a powerful country with the economic (economical)power.
    - Many persons (people)research (pas le bon mot) the American dream, so they immigrate in this country where everything seem (faute de conjugaison) possible. Furthermore, this immigration cause (idem) a mix of two different languages principally in advertisements.
    - the economic power

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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