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    Exposé/ Ireland

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Exposé/ Ireland
    Message de tabz posté le 24-05-2016 à 22:20:50 (S | E | F)
    je suis en cinquième et je sollicite votre aide pour m'aider corrigr un exposé que j'ai rédigé tout au long de la semaine.
    Il m'a pri énormément de temps et je souhaite qu'il soit parfait pour pouvoir le rendre à ma prof demain. J'ai traduit mon texte partir du français grâce à des traducteurs ainsi qu'un Bescherelle anglais pour les temps.

    In the middle of the nineteenth century we can observe in Ireland a massive emigretion of the Irish towards the United States, impoverished and used by the Big Famine between eighteen fourty five and eighteen fourty eight. Irish had no others choice. They had to to leave their lands to find refuge on a continent where any resumption seems possible. It is the beginning of the Irish emmigration. That's why there are so many Américans with Irish origin in the USA.
    The Big Famine of eighteen fourtyfive is a particulary difficult period for Irish. The farmers see their fields lived as a parasite, called the mildew, a mushroom returning the unfit for consumption potato, plunging the population into an unprecedented food shortage. Very fast, Irish suffer from sub-nutrition, fall, ill, and live in the poverty. Epidemics of cholera spread, whereas the famine makes numerous victims further to severe anaemia. Between five hundred thousand and a million Irish die everywhere in Ireland further to this phenomenon. From then on, the rich British owners seem to take advantage of the situation by expelling from their lands of thousands of Irish families from now on incapable to settle a rent.

    Against this situation, the Irish had to go to America : The continent of the hope and of the dreams. They saw in this new world, the idea of a new start.
    Escaping the ireland, they're several thousand to pile up in a freighter for America. Some people die without reaching the United states because of the violents storms or the terrible epidemics. They're nevertheless 2 millions to put their foot in America and they created a real cummunity of Irish. They settle down massively in New York and Boston to work. They opened many businesses and they searched job if this one is paid. Very fast, the Irish adapt themselves to their new life. They loved the atmosphere and the richness of the America.
    But they don't forget the Ireland. Indeed, their family are dying because of the famine, the misery and the English who take advantage of them. Many Irish-American sent letters and money to help them. But the IrishèAmerican don't stop there ! They created a new revolutionary nationalist movement : The movement Fenian, intended to fight at distance to release the Irish of the hand of the English.

    Je vous remercie si vous pouvez m'aider.
    PS : Je dois bientôt aller me coucher, je sais que je m'y prends tard mais si vous pouviez me donner au moins la première partie corrigé je vous en serai très reconnaissant !

    Modifié par lucile83 le 24-05-2016 23:01

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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