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    Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43

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    Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43
    Message de here4u posté le 28-03-2019 à 23:55:40 (S | E | F)
    Hello, dear co-workers!

    Voici la nouvelle édition de votre exercice de gymnastique cérébrale …
    Attention ! Grande « nouveauté » ! « Playing with words » qui est l’exercice le plus difficile est passé en « Rack Your Brains » … ce qui est normal parce que c’est un exercice difficile, éprouvant pour les méninges et que cet exercice appartient bien à la partie « vocabulaire et constructions » de l’anglais … Je sais qu'il peut être (et est !) chronophage … (comme le II d’ailleurs) et je vous rappelle que vous n’êtes pas obligés de les faire … Les prochaines fois, je mettrai moins de « reordering and unscramble » … En attendant, ne faites que ce que vous choisissez (mais faites le bien !) Give me your best, as ever … Le corrigé de cet exercice sera mis online le Samedi 13 avril 2019.

    I)Please, help my student! He really needs you! ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger !
    Cependant, cette fois encore, vous en verrez plus, car une fois qu'il fait une faute, mon élève la répète tout le long du texte ! (il l'a faite de bonne foi !) Merci de les corriger, en ne les comptant que pour « une seule », à chaque fois …

    It is arguably the more recognising sign of animal contentment: a pleasurable grasp that erupts whenever a cat is tickled or petted… Whether the purr does generally represent contentment for cats, it can also express nervousness, fear and stress. Fortunately, more often it’s an indicator of the former.
    Cats begin purring when they are few days old that helps their mothers locating them for feeding time. This may persist with some adult cats who purr as they feed – or who purr beforehand as they try and convince a human it’s dinner time. Cats may also purr after they’ve been started, or after stressful episodes like be chased by a dog.
    It’s speculated for decades that purring was a form of communication. More recently, it was hypothesised that purring has others purposes, that the purr is a powerful heeling action. It’s thought that the vibrations from the activity are physically rejuvenating – a way for the cat ‘heeling’ itself after the stress. We also see cats purring in apparent contentment while dozing. In reality, it's a form of self-reparation. The purr has developed as a low-energy way to keep bones and tissues in good condition while they rest.
    Petting a cat has long been seing as a form of stress relief. Those same frequencies cats purr might also be doing good to us as well. It’s likely that purring has communication, appeasement, and heeling properties. It calms us and pleases us, like watching waves against a beach. We respond to a cat’s purr as a calming stimuli.
    In the morning loud purring can be used, other with human face patting or rubbing, to wake up a human and then get breakfast.
    Ultimately, the quest to define the meaning of a purr may benefit of getting to know cats’ body language better. With this deeper knowledge, the bond between cat and owner can only grow.

    II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:
    Niveau 2 = 1 et 3
    Niveau 3 = 2, 4.
    Niveau + = 5 (J’ai eu pitié et ai retiré le mélange pour « activity et physically » … )




    4. People EUSMSA cats are YPHPA when they’re RRPIUGN. That’s just not SALYWA the EASC. 5

    5. The SOTRINIABV from the activity are physically GIAEUENTNVJR – a way for the cat to LEAH FETLSI after SETSRS. 5

    III) OPTIONAL too…
    PLAYING and WORKING WITH WORDS: Using THE 8 WORDS given below
    (the 2 verbs can be put in whatever tenses or forms you fancy but MUST remain verbs!), 2 adjectives, 2 nouns and 2 link words, (you CANNOT change the nature of the words!) and the suitable punctuation, search your minds, think hard and create AN ONLY meaningful SENTENCE.
    You CANNOT use two or more compulsory words consecutively! PLEASE, WHEN YOU WRITE YOUR SENTENCE, PUT CAPITALS TO THESE WORDS!
    Je vous rappelle qu'« une phrase », une seule, se termine par un point [final, d'exclamation ou d'interrogation], peut avoir de la ponctuation interne ",/; /:/ [...], et qu'elle doit avant tout avoir un sens.
    Le but ultime est de faire une seule phrase complexe, courte (moins de 50 mots, si possible ...), mais je le répète, qui ait un sens et sa logique interne !) Cet exercice est TRES difficile, , c'est pourquoi il demande beaucoup de réflexion et d'attention, de rigueur aussi dans l'application des règles. Vous ne pouvez le poster QU'UNE FOIS (ne faire qu'un seul exemplaire).
    La date limite pour cet exercice est le vendredi 12 avril 2019 tard. (Ne pas dépasser 60 mots … Merci.)
    ( Beaucoup de règles, j'en suis désolée ... mais déjà comme ça, c'est énormément de travail, et sans un effort de chacun, c'est ingérable.) Je sais que plusieurs d'entre vous sont très attachés à cet exercice-jeu, qu'ils trouvent formateur and "mind-puzzling". Je vous rappelle cependant que vous n'êtes pas obligés de le faire ! FREEDOM!
    Voici les éléments imposés cette fois :
    - (to) GROW - (to) ESCAPE – a FAIRY – a SPEECH – MISERABLE – UNEASY – AMONG – PROVIDED- + une inversion du sujet.
    Of course, I give you THE FORCE... while you give me your BEST!

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de taiji43, postée le 31-03-2019 à 15:25:56 (S | E)
    DEAR Here4U
    Thank you for your correction and have a nice day


    It is arguably the MOST RECOGNISABLE sign of animal contentment: a pleasurable RASP that erupts whenever a cat is tickled or petted… Whether the purr does generally represent contentment for cats, it can also express nervousness, fear and stress. Fortunately, more often it’s an indicator of the former.

    Cats begin purring when they are A few days old WHAT helps their mothers (LOCATE ) them for feeding time.
    This may persist with some adult cats who purr as they feed – or who purr beforehand as they try and convince a human it’s dinner time. Cats may also purr after they’ve been started, or after stressful episodes like BEING chased by a dog.

    It’s BEEN speculated for decades that purring was a form of communication. More recently, it was HYPOTHESIZED that purring has OTHER purposes, that the purr is a powerful heeling action. It’s thought that the vibrations from the activity are physically rejuvenating – a way for the cat ‘TO HEEL itself after STRESS.

    We also see cats purring in apparent contentment while dozing. In reality, it's a form of self-REPAIR/RECOVERY The purr has developed as a low-energy way to keep bones and tissues in good condition while they rest
    .Petting a cat has long been SEEN as a form of stress relief

    Those same frequencies cats purr?? might also be doing good to us as well. It’s likely that purring has communication, appeasement, and heeling properties. It calms us and pleases us, like watching waves against a beach. We respond to a cat’s purr as a calming STIMULUS

    In the morning loud purring can be used, OTHER with human face patting or rubbing, to wake up a human and then get breakfast.

    Ultimately, the quest to define the meaning of a purr may benefit FROM getting to know cats’ body language better. With this deeper knowledge, the bond between cat and owner can only grow.

    II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:
    I have done 1,3,4,5


    We respond to a cat’s purr as a calming stimulus

    3. It is believed that cats’ PURRING PROMOTES BONES and TISSUE GROWTH 6

    4. People ASSUME cats are HAPPY when they’re PURRING. That’s just not ALWAYS the CASE. 5

    5. The VIBRATION from the activity are physically REJUVENATING– a way for the cat to SELFHEAL after STRESS. 5

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de magie8, postée le 04-04-2019 à 20:36:58 (S | E)
    Hello bonjour

    It is arguably the moST recognisABLE sign of animal'S contentment: a GRASP OF PLEASURE ( une prise de plaisir) that erupts whenever a cat is tickled or petted… Whether the purr does generally represent contentment for cats, it can also express nervousness, fear and stress. Fortunately, more often it’s an indicator of the former.
    Cats begin purring when they are A few days old What helps their mothers locating them AT feeding time. This may persist with some adult cats who purr as they feed – or who purr beforehand as they try and convince a human it’s dinner time. Cats may also purr after they’ve been started, or after stressful episodes AS HAVE BEEN chased by a dog.
    It’s BEEN speculated for decades that purring was a form of communication. More recently, it was hypothesised that purring has OTHER purposes, that the purr is a powerful heAling action. It’s thought that the vibrations from the activity are physically rejuvenating – a way for the cat ‘heAling’ or TO HEAL itself( se guérir lui même) after stress.( pas the = stress en general) We also see cats purring in apparent contentment while dozing. In reality, it's a form of self-REGULATION. The purr has developed as a low-energy way to keep bones and tissues in good condition while they rest.
    Petting a cat has long been SEEN as a form of stress relief. Those same frequencies CAT'S purr might also be doing good to us as well. It’s likely that purring has communication, appeasement, and heAling(guérison, cicatrisation) properties. It calms us and pleases us, like watching waves ON a beach. We respond to a cat’s purr as a calming stimulUS.
    In the morning loud purring can be used, otherWISE ON human face patting or rubbing, to wake up a human and then get breakfast.
    Ultimately, the quest to define the meaning of a purr may benefit FROM getting to know cats’ body language better. With this deeper knowledge, the bond between cat and owner can only grow.

    II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:
    Niveau 2 = 1 et 3
    Niveau 3 = 2, 4.
    Niveau + = 5 (J’ai eu pitié et ai retiré le mélange pour « activity et physically » … )


    We respond to a cat's purr as a calming stimulus

    The happy purr of cats may also be benefit to human health.
    Les ronronnements heureux des chats peuvent aussi être profitables à la santé des Humains

    On pense que le ronronnement des chats favorise la croissance osseuse et tissulaire.

    4. People ASSUME cats are HAPPY when they’re PURRING. That’s just not ALWAYS the CASE. 5

    5. The VIBRATIONS from the activity are physically REJUVENATING – a way for the cat to HEAL ITSELF after STRESS. 5
    Les vibrations provenant de l'activité sont physiquement redynamisantes.Un moyen pour le chat de se guérir du stress.

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de alpiem, postée le 06-04-2019 à 11:08:26 (S | E)
    Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 PRÊT À CORRIGERpour ce "huge"exercise

    hello everybody
    It is arguably the more RECOGNISABLE sign of animal contentment: a pleasurable grasp that
    erupts whenever a cat is tickled or petted....Whether the purr does generally represent contentment for cats, it can also express nervousness, fear and stress. Fortunately, more often it's an indicator of the former. Cats beguin purring when they are JUST A few days old, WHICH helps their mothers LOCATE them for feeding time. This may persist ON some adult ONES WHICH purr as they feed- or which purr beforehand as they try and convince a human it's dinner time.Cats may also purr after they had been STARTLED, or after stressful episodes like BEING chased by a dog.
    It HAS BEEN speculated for decades that purring was a form of communication.More recently, it was hypothesised that purring has OTHER purposes, that the purr HAS a powerful heeling action.
    It's thought that the vibrations from the PURRING activity are pĥysically rejuvenating-a way for the cat FOR heeling itself after the stress.We also see cats purring in apparent contentment while dozing.
    In reality, it's a form of self-reparation.The purr has developed as a low-energy way to keep bones and tissues in good condition when they rest.
    Petting a cat has long been SEEN as a form of stress relief. Those same frequencies CATS' PURRING GENERATES
    might also be doing good to us as well. It's likely that purring has communication,appeasement and heeling properties. It calms us and pleases us, like watching waves ALONG a beach.We respond to a cat's purr as a calming stimuli.In the morning, loud purring can be used, otherWISE ON human FACE'S patting or rubbing,to wake up a human and then get breakfast.
    Ultimately the quest to define the meaning of a purr may benefit x getting to know cat's body language better. With this deeper knowledge, the bond between cat and owner can only grow.

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de joe39, postée le 07-04-2019 à 11:25:14 (S | E)
    Good morning, dear here 4u
    Please find hereunder my try,
    Ready to be checked.

    I)Please, help my student! He really needs you! ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger !
    It is arguably the MOST -1 RECOGNIZABLE-2 sign of animal contentment: a pleasurable RASP- 3 that erupts whenever a cat is tickled or petted… Whether the purr does generally represent contentment for cats, it can also express nervousness, fear and stress. Fortunately, more often it’s an indicator of the FORMER – 4 .

    Cats begin purring when they are A-5 few days old WHICH -6 that helps their mothers LOCATE- 7 them for feeding time. This may persist with some adult cats who purr as they feed – or who purr beforehand as they try and convince a human it’s dinner time. Cats may also purr after they’ve been STARTLED - 8, or after stressful episodes like BEING -9 chased by a dog.
    It’s BEEN - 10 speculated for decades that purring was a form of communication.
    More recently, it was hypothesized that purring has OTHER- 11 purposes, that the purr is a powerful HEALING – 12 action. It’s thought that the vibrations from the activity are physically rejuvenating – a way for the cat TO HEAL-13 itself after stress. We also see cats purring in apparent contentment while dozing. In reality, it's a form of self-REPAIR 14. The purr has developed as a low-energy way to keep bones and tissues in good condition while they rest.

    Petting a cat has long been SEEN – 15 as a form of stress relief. Those same frequencies cats purr AT 16, might also be doing good to us as well. It’s likely that purring HAVE- 17 communication, appeasement, and HEALING properties. It calms us and pleases us, like watching waves BREAKING - 15 against a beach. We respond to a cat’s purr as a calming STIMULUS - 18.

    In the morning loud purring can be used, TOGETHER WITH 19 human face patting or rubbing, to wake up a human and then get breakfast.

    Ultimately, the quest to define the meaning of PURRING - 19 may benefit FROM - 20 getting to know cats’ body language better. With this deeper knowledge, the bond between cat and owner can only grow.

    II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:
    Niveau 2 = 1 et 3
    Niveau 3 = 2, 4, 5.
    Niveau + = 6 (J’ai eu pitié et ai retiré le mélange pour « activity et physically » … )




    4. People ASSUME cats are HAPPY when they’re PURRING. That’s just not ALWAYS the CASE. 5

    5. The VIBRATIONS from the activity are physically REJUVENATING – a way for the cat to HEAL ITSELF after STRESS. 5

    III) OPTIONAL too…
    PLAYING and WORKING WITH WORDS: Using THE 8 WORDS given below .Je vous rappelle qu'« une phrase », une seule, se termine par un point [final, d'exclamation ou d'interrogation], peut avoir de la ponctuation interne ",/; /:/ [...], et qu'elle doit avant tout avoir un sens.
    La date limite pour cet exercice est le vendredi 12 avril 2019 tard. (Ne pas dépasser 60 mots … Merci.)
    Voici les éléments imposés cette fois :
    - (to) GROW - (to) ESCAPE – a FAIRY – a SPEECH – MISERABLE – UNEASY – AMONG – PROVIDED- + une inversion du sujet.

    GROWING in such a sudden intensity,
    Forcing the UNEASY skippers offshore,
    TO ESCAPE ashore,
    And find a berth in the bay,
    AMONG the crowded fishing port,
    PROVIDED by a dam,
    Against which the waves were breaking over,
    When, suddenly as if A FAIRY,
    had said A SPEECH,
    The storm was over,
    Putting an end to such a MISERABLE day.59

    Thanking you for the nice exercise I wish you a fine week.

    So long.

    Modifié par joe39 le 15-04-2019 18:08

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de here4u, postée le 07-04-2019 à 11:55:29 (S | E)
    WOW Joe!
    It's so thrilling when you see "Learners" have worked and learnt enough to produce such a combination of difficulties in such a masterly way!

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de chocolatcitron, postée le 07-04-2019 à 23:40:14 (S | E)
    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de chocolatcitron, postée le 07-04-2019 à 23:40:14 (S | E)
    Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43
    Message de here4u posté le 28-03-2019 à 23:55:40 (S | E | F) le Samedi 12 avril 2019.FINISHED !!!

    Hello, my dear Here4u! Thanks for this great and very interesting exercise !!!
    Hi everybody!

    Here is my work:

    I)Please, help my student! He really needs you! ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger !

    It is arguably (1) the MOST (2) RECOGNISABLE sign of animal contentment: a pleasurable RASP that erupts whenever a cat is tickled or petted… (3) WHILE the purr does generally represent contentment for cats, it can also express nervousness, fear and stress. Fortunately, more often it’s an indicator of the former.
    Cats begin purring when they are (4) A few days old (5) WHICH helps their mothers (6) LOCATE them for feeding time. This may persist with some adult cats who purr as they feed – or who purr beforehand as they try and convince a human it’s dinner time. Cats may also purr after they’ve been (7) STARTLED, or after stressful episodes like (8) BEING chased by a dog.
    It’s (9) BEEN speculated for decades that purring was a form of communication. More recently, it was hypothesised that purring has (10) OTHER purposes, that the purr is a powerful (11) HEALING (12) METHODS. It’s thought that the vibrations from the activity are physically rejuvenating – a way for the cat ‘HEALING’ itself after (13) (IL NE FAUT PAS ” THE !!! ”) stress. We also see cats purring in apparent contentment while dozing. In reality, it's a form of (14) SELF-RECOVERY. The purr has developed as a low-energy way to keep bones and tissues in good condition while they rest.
    Petting a cat has long been (15) SEEN as a form of stress relief. Those same frequencies cats purr might also be doing good to us as well. It’s likely that purring has communication, appeasement, and HEALING properties. It calms us and pleases us, like watching waves against a beach. We respond to a cat’s purr as a calming (16) STIMULUS.
    In the morning loud purring can be used, (17) TOGETHER with human face (18) PETTING or rubbing, to wake up a human and then get breakfast.
    Ultimately, the quest (19) FOR define the meaning of a purr may benefit (20) FROM getting to know cats’ body language better. With this deeper knowledge, the bond between cat and owner can only grow.

    II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:
    Niveau 2 = 1 et 3
    Niveau 3 = 2, 4, 5.
    Niveau + = 6 (J’ai eu pitié et ai retiré le mélange pour « activity et physically » … )

    2. The purr from a happy cat may also be of benefit to human health. 14
    4. People ASSUME cats are HAPPY when they’re PURRING. That’s just not ALWAYS the CASE. 5
    5. The VIBRATIONS from the activity are physically REJUVENATING – a way for the cat to HEAL ITSELF after STRESS. 5

    III) OPTIONAL too…
    PLAYING and WORKING WITH WORDS: Using THE 8 WORDS given below (2 verbs, 2 adjectives, 2 nouns and 2 link words, and the suitable punctuation, search your minds, think hard and create AN ONLY meaningful SENTENCE. Moins de 50 mots, si possible ... Ne pas dépasser 60 mots. Avant le vendredi 12 avril 2019 tard.

    Voici les éléments imposés cette fois :
    - (to) GROW - (to) ESCAPE – a FAIRY – a SPEECH – MISERABLE – UNEASY – AMONG – PROVIDED- + une inversion du sujet.

    Dan felt MISERABLE face to his class and can’t ESCAPE unhurt without a FAIRY at his sides : hardly HAS HE finished his SPEECH, that PROVIDED he made an effort, his UNEASY relationship AMONG his classmates GREW into friendship. 39 words.

    Dan n’avait pas le moral face à sa classe, et ne pouvait pas s’en sortir indemne sans une fée à ses côtés : à peine avait-il finit son discours, que pourvu qu’il fît un effort, ses relations difficiles parmi ses copains de classe devinrent amicales.

    Un énorme travail, à la hauteur du plaisir à le faire !!!

    Of course, I give you THE FORCE... while you give me your BEST! Here is the force back to you, Here4u, for marking !
    Have a sweet and also a great week!
    See you soon.

    Modifié par chocolatcitron le 14-04-2019 23:32

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de icare29, postée le 08-04-2019 à 10:23:19 (S | E)
    Hello Here4u and all hard workers here is my work OK FOR CORRECTION

    It is arguably the MOST RECOGNISABLE sign of ANIMAL'S contentment: a pleasurable grasp that erupts whenever a cat is tickled or petted? Whether the purr does generally represent contentment for cats, it can also express nervousness, fear and stress. Fortunately, more often purr is an indicator of CONTENTMENT.

    KITTENS begin TO PURR when they are A few days old that helps their mothers to LOCATE them for feeding AT time. This may persist with some adult cats WHICH purr as they feed or WHICH purr beforehand as they try TO convince a human it's dinner time. Cats may also purr after they've been STARTLED, or after stressful episodes like BEING chased by a dog.

    It HAS BEEN speculated for decades that purring was a form of communication. More recently, it HAS BEEN hypothesised that purring has OTHER purposes, that the purr HAS a powerful HEALING action. It's thought that the vibrations COMING from ACTIVITIES are physically rejuvenating , AND the way for the cat TO HEAL itself after STRESSING. We also see CAT'S purring as apparent contentment while dozing. In reality, it's a form of self-REPAIRS. The purr has BEEN developed as a low-ENERGENIC way to keep bones and tissues in good condition while they rest.

    Petting a cat has long been SEEN as a form of stress relief. Those same frequencies LIKE CAT'S purr might also be doing good to us as well. It's likely that purring has communication, appeasement, and HEALING properties. It calms and pleases us, like watching waves against ROCKS . We respond to a cat's purr as a calming STIMULUS.
    In the morning loud purring can be used, IN THE SAME WAY ON human face LIKE patting or rubbing, to wake up a human and then get breakfast.
    Ultimately, the quest to define the meaning of a purr may benefit FROM getting to know CAT'S body language better. With this deeper knowledge, the bond between cat and owner can only grow.

    - (to) GROW - (to) ESCAPE ? a FAIRY ? a SPEECH ? MISERABLE ? UNEASY ? AMONG ? PROVIDED- une inversion du sujet.

    This is not a FAIRY tale , I am back from a refugee camp, I am UNEASY to speak about of what I saw, NEVER WOULD I HAVE IMAGINED how these childen GREW up in such bad conditions, no SPEECH can describe their MISERABLE lifes AMONG détritus ,fortunately, PROVIDED that the food needs are satisfied they will survive but not ESCAPE from that hell. 60 words

    Dear Here4u ,thanks a lot for your new excellent exercise

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de here4u, postée le 09-04-2019 à 21:20:51 (S | E)

    Demain, je commencerai à transférer vos corrections.
    Il vous reste encore quelques jours pour poster ... beaucoup de temps !

    To Magie: Ne t'inquiète pas, Magie, je n'avais pas encore corrigé ton travail (car tu l'avais bien mis "In progress" ) Essayez de ne pas tous faire cela, sinon, je n'aurais pas assez de temps pour corriger ...

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de maxwell, postée le 11-04-2019 à 20:50:03 (S | E)
    Hello Here4U
    Thanks a lot! The "reorder the words" exercise was within my reach. I did my best but a couple of parts of the text were not so easy... we'll see...

    I. Help my student:
    It is arguably the MOST RECOGNISABLE sign of animal contentment: a pleasurable grasp that erupts whenever a cat is tickled or petted? Whether the purr does generally represent contentment for cats, it can also express nervousness, fear and stress. Fortunately, more often THAN NOT, it's an indicator of the former. Cats begin purring when they are A few days old WHICH helps their mothers LOCATE them for feeding time. This may persist with some adult cats who purr as they feed ? or who purr beforehand as they try and convince a human it's dinner time.
    Cats may also purr after they've been started AFTER, or after stressful episodes like BEING chased by a dog. It's BEEN speculated for decades that purring was a form of communication. More recently, it HAS BEEN hypothesised that purring has OTHER purposes, that the purr is a powerful HEALING ACT. It's BEEN thought that the vibrations from the activity are physically rejuvenating ? a way for the cat ?TO HEAL' itself after A stress EPISODE. We CAN also see cats purring in apparent contentment while dozing. In reality, it's a form of self-reparation. The purr has BEEN developed as a low-energy way to keep bones and tissues in good condition while they rest. Petting a cat has long been SEEN as a form of stress relief. Those same frequencies OF A cat['S] purr might also be doing good to us as well. It's likely that purring has communication, appeasement, and HEALING properties. It calms us and pleases us, like watching waves ON a beach. We respond to a cat's purr as a calming STIMULUS. In the morning loud purring can be used, ALONG with human face patting or rubbing, to wake up a human and then get breakfast. Ultimately, the quest to define the meaning of a purr may benefit FROM getting to know cats' body language better. With this deeper knowledge, the bond between cat and owner can only grow.

    II. Reorder/unscramble:
    4. People ASSUME cats are HAPPY when they're PURRING. That's just not ALWAYS the CASE. 5/5
    5. The VIBRATIONS from the activity are physically REJUVENATING ? a way for the cat to HEAL ITSELF after STRESS. 5/5

    III) Playing with words:
    He had been feeling MISERABLE in high school AMONG unkind students and couldn't GROW accustomed to being called a "FAIRY", so he tried to ESCAPE from his UNEASY life marrying a woman who agreed PROVIDED he would change his ways, therefore no sooner HAD HE relapsed than without any long SPEECH, she divorced him. (54)

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de peticha, postée le 12-04-2019 à 21:28:06 (S | E)
    Hello dear here4u, thanks, this forum is fantastic and really great!
    Hi each of you!

    Here is my try: FINISHED. (Such a short work, I couldn't do the whole of it, because I missed time which is out, now..., sorry.)

    II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:
    Niveau 2 = 1 et 3
    Niveau 3 = 2, 4, 5.
    Niveau + = 6 (J’ai eu pitié et ai retiré le mélange pour « activity et physically » … )

    2. The purr from a happy cat may also be of benefit to human health.14
    4. People ASSUME cats are HAPPY when they’re PURRING. That’s just not ALWAYS the CASE. 5
    5. The VIBRATIONS from the activity are physically REJUVENATING – a way for the cat to HEAL ITSELF after STRESS. 5

    So long.

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de here4u, postée le 13-04-2019 à 23:07:46 (S | E)
    Hello, Dear Workers,

    Really, I was delighted to be told that you had liked this exercise. Furthermore, nobody complained that it was too difficult, this time! Good! !La petite difficulté était le rapprochement (voire le regroupement ) de plusieurs erreurs dans un même segment de phrase...

    Ce devoir a, dans l'ensemble, été très bon. Beaucoup de recherches ont été faites et beaucoup de fautes trouvées ...

    Il me faut, à nouveau, demander 3 volontaires pour le follow up work. J'ai mis (dans la correction) les repères pour les TROIS parties ... Arrêtez-vous bien aux limites, sinon, poster la correction suivie est compliqué ... Nous avons aussi besoin d'un(e)(ou deux) volontaire(s) pour les phrases. Merci à ceux qui se désigneront. (Vous pouvez vous déclarer "volontaires" rapidement, et profiter d'un jour ou deux pour faire le travail ensuite ... Je ne regarderai pas avant la fin du 153 ... )
    d'avance. Encore BRAVO à tous.

    I)Please, help my student! He really needs you! ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient 20 fautes à corriger !

    It is arguably the most (1) recognisable(2) sign of animal contentment: a pleasurable rasp * that erupts whenever a cat is tickled or petted… While(3) the purr does generally represent contentment for cats, it can also express nervousness, fear and stress. Fortunately, more often it’s an indicator of the former. (4)
    Cats begin purring when they are a few (5) days old, which(6) helps their mothers locate (7) them for feeding time. This may persist with some adult cats who purr as they feed – or who purr beforehand as they try and convince a human it’s dinner time. (/// end of part 1) Cats may also purr after they’ve been startled(8), or after stressful episodes like being (9) chased by a dog.
    It’s been (10) speculated for decades that purring was a form of communication. More recently, it was hypothesised that purring has other purposes(11), that the purr is a powerful healing (12) action. It’s thought that the vibrations from the activity are physically rejuvenating – a way for the cat to ‘heal’ (12B) itself after stress (13). We also see cats purring in apparent contentment while dozing. In reality, it's a form of self-repair (14). The purr has developed as a low-energy way to keep bones and tissues in good condition while they rest.(/// end of part 2)
    Petting a cat has long been seen (15) as a form of stress relief. Those same frequencies cats purr at (16) might also be doing good to us as well. It’s likely that purring has communication, appeasement, and healing 12C properties. It calms us and pleases us, like watching waves against a beach (17). We respond to a cat’s purr as a calming stimulus(18).
    In the morning loud purring can be used, together with(19) human face patting or rubbing, to wake up a human and thus get breakfast. Ultimately, the quest to define the meaning of a purr may benefit from (20) getting to know cats’ body language better. With this deeper knowledge, the bond between cat and owner can only grow.

    (1) Il fallait ici le superlatif de « much » => the most… Un comparatif implique la comparaison entre deux éléments.
    (2) Recognise (v) = reconnaître - Recognisable (adj) (UK) = reconnaissable, identifiable, notable.
    - Grasp* = prise, étreinte. /// Rasp = grincement, crissement rauque, raclement
    (3) Whether = si… ou/ soit… soit/ While = pendant que, tandis que.
    (4) The former… the latter = le premier cité … le dernier cité : ici, the former was «contentment» ; the latter was «nervousness, fear and stress»
    (5) «few days» = peu, trop peu de // alors que «a few» = quelques …
    (6) = , which = virgule which = ce qui, ce que, pour reprendre ce qui a été dit.
    (7) To help someone DO something/ on trouve aussi to help someone to do something, mais ceci est moins répandu. Help ne se construit pas avec –V+ ing.
    (8) Ne pas confondre «started»= commencé ; et «startled» = surpris, qui a sursauté.
    (9) being chased by … le fait d’être chassé …
    (10) It’s been speculated for decades … = present perfect qui s’impose (avec «for» de durée).
    (11) Other + nom en général = adjectif indéfini. «Others» = pronom indéfini (remplace un nom et ne peut donc pas être placé devant l’un d’entre eux.)
    (12) «heel» = un talon // heal = guérir, cicatriser.
    (13) «stress» sans article = le stress en général, pas de déterminant.
    (14) to repair => repair ; reparation n’existe pas dans ce sens. Lien internet

    (15) … has long been seen= present perfect de bilan.
    (16) «The frequency cats purr at…» … personne n’a trouvé ce rejet de la préposition en fin de phrase.
    (17) a beech /// a beach. A beech= un hêtre ; pour s’en souvenir … moyen mnémotechnique … «To beech or not to beech…» = « Hêtre, ou ne pas hêtre ! » …
    (18) a stimulus= singulier => stimuli = pluriel.
    (19) together with= along with
    (20) to benefit FROM…

    II) OPTIONAL: Please, reorder the words or unscramble them in these sentences so as to make meaningful sentences:


    We respond to a cat’s purr as a calming stimulus ;10


    The purr from a happy cat may also be of benefit to human health.

    3. It is believed DVIEEEBL that cats’ purring GIRPNRU promotes STMREOOP bones SNBEO and tissue ESIUST growth HWRTOG.

    4. People assume EUSMSA cats are happy YPHPA when they’re purring RRPIUGN. That’s just not always SALYWA the case RASC.

    5. The vibrations SOTRINIABV from the activity YIICTVTA are physically GIAEUENTNVJR rejuvenating – a way for the cat to ‘heal’ LEAH itself FETLSI after stress SETSRS.

    Lien internet


    - He had been feeling MISERABLE in high school AMONG unkind students and couldn't GROW accustomed to being called a "FAIRY", so he tried to ESCAPE from his UNEASY life marrying a woman who agreed, PROVIDED he would change his ways; therefore no sooner HAD HE relapsed than without any long SPEECH, she divorced him. (54)

    - Dan felt MISERABLE facing his class and couldn't ESCAPE unhurt without a FAIRY at his sides: hardly HAD HE finished his SPEECH, when, PROVIDED he made an effort, his UNEASY relationship AMONG his classmates GREW into friendship. (39)

    - This is not a FAIRY tale; I am back from a refugee camp and UNEASY to speak about what I saw; NEVER WOULD I HAVE IMAGINED that these children GREW up in such bad conditions; no SPEECH can describe their MISERABLE lives AMONG detritus; PROVIDED that their food needs are satisfied they will survive but not ESCAPE from that hell. (61)

    Merci à tous ! Le RYB 44 vous attend !


    It is arguably the most (1) recognisable(2) sign of animal contentment: a pleasurable rasp * that erupts whenever a cat is tickled or petted… While(3) the purr does generally represent contentment for cats, it can also express nervousness, fear and stress. Fortunately, more often it’s an indicator of the former. (4)
    Cats begin purring when they are a few (5) days old, which(6) helps their mothers locate (7) them for feeding time. This may persist with some adult cats who purr as they feed – or who purr beforehand as they try and convince a human it’s dinner time. (/// end of part 1)

    C'est sans doute le signe de satisfaction animal le plus reconnaissable : un raclement plaisant qui surgit quand on fait des papouilles chatouille ou caresse un chat… Tandis que le ronronnement représente généralement la satisfaction pour les chats, il peut aussi exprimer la nervosité, la peur, ou le stress. Heureusement, le plus souvent c'est un indicateur du premier cas.
    Les chats commencent à ronronner quand ils sont âgés de quelques jours, ce qui aide leur maman à les localiser au moment de les nourrir. Cela peut persister avec quelques chats adultes, qui ronronnent lorsqu'ils sont nourris, ou qui ronronnent à l'avance comme s'ils essayaient de convaincre un humain, que l'heure du repas a sonné.

    Cats may also purr after they’ve been startled(8), or after stressful episodes like being (9) chased by a dog. It’s been (10) speculated for decades that purring was a form of communication. More recently, it was hypothesised that purring has other purposes(11), that the purr is a powerful healing (12) action. It’s thought that the vibrations from the activity are physically rejuvenating – a way for the cat to ‘heal’ (12B) itself after stress (13). We also see cats purring in apparent contentment while dozing. In reality, it's a form of self-repair (14). The purr has developed as a low-energy way to keep bones and tissues in good condition while they rest.(/// end of part 2)

    Les chats peuvent aussi ronronner après avoir été effarouchés (surpris), ou après un épisode stressant comme avoir été poursuivis par un chien.
    Il a été supposé pendant des décennies que ronronner était une forme de communication.Plus récemment il a été émis l'hypothèse que le ronronnement pouvait avoir d'autres buts, qu'il avait a un pouvoir sur l'action de guérison. On pense que les vibrations provenant de l'activité sont physiquement régénératrices- une façon pour le chat de se guérir lui-même après un stress. Nous voyons aussi des chats ronronner d'un contentement apparent pendant leur sommeil. En réalité c'est une forme d'auto-réparation. Le ronronnement a développé une méthode de basse-énergie(faible dépense d'énergie) pour garder les os et les tissus en bonne condition pendant le repos.

    Petting a cat has long been seen (15) as a form of stress relief. Those same frequencies cats purr at (16) might also be doing good to us as well. It’s likely that purring has communication, appeasement, and healing 12C properties. It calms us and pleases us, like watching waves against a beach (17). We respond to a cat’s purr as a calming stimulus(18).
    In the morning loud purring can be used, together with(19) human face patting or rubbing, to wake up a human and thus get breakfast. Ultimately, the quest to define the meaning of a purr may benefit from (20) getting to know cats’ body language better. With this deeper knowledge, the bond between cat and owner can only grow.

    Caresser un chat a longtemps été vu comme un soulagement du stress. ( On considère depuis longtemps ... Eviter vraiment de traduire cette forme avec un passif - bien moins fréquent en français - et avec un passé composé qui calque le present perfect. IL FAUT un présent.) Ces mêmes fréquences du ronronnement félin pourraient tout aussi bien nous être bénéfiques. C’est probablement que ronronner a des propriétés de communication, d’apaisement, de guérison. Ça nous calme, et ça nous plaît, comme le fait de regarder les vagues sur une plage. Les ronronnements de chats agissent sur nous comme une stimulation apaisante.
    Le matin, le ronronnement sonore peut être utilisé, associé à la caresse ou au massage du visage humain, pour le faire se lever et ainsi obtenir son petit-déjeuner.
    En fin de compte, la recherche pour traduire le sens du ronronnement permet de bénéficier d'une meilleure connaissance du langage corporel des chats. Grâce à cette profonde connaissance, le lien entre le chat et son propriétaire ne peut que s’enrichir.

    1. We respond to a cat’s purr as a calming stimulus.
    On réagit au ronronnement d'un chat comme à un stimulus à effet calmant.

    2. The purr from a happy cat may also be of benefit to human health.
    Le ronronnement d'un chat heureux peut aussi avoir un effet bénéfique sur la santé humaine.

    3. It is believed that cats’ purring promotes bones and tissue growth.
    On estime que le ronronnement des chats favorise la croissance des os et des tissus.

    4. People assume cats are happy when they’re purring. That’s just not always the case.
    Les gens supposent que les chats sont heureux quand ils ronronnent. Ce n'est pas toujours le cas.

    5. The vibrations from the activity are physically rejuvenating – a way for the cat to ‘heal’ itself after stress.
    Les vibrations dues à l'activité sont redynamisantes physiquement -une façon pour le chat de se "soigner" tout seul après un stress.

    BRAVO, vraiment à vous Ô volontaires pour l'excellence de votre travail ...

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de chocolatcitron, postée le 14-04-2019 à 05:28:07 (S | E)
    Hello, je veux bien retravailler le I première partie ! Merci pour ta correction !

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de maxwell, postée le 14-04-2019 à 08:56:10 (S | E)
    Hello Here4U

    Je prends les 5 phrases

    1. We respond to a cat’s purr as a calming stimulus.
    On réagit au ronronnement d'un chat comme à un stimulus à effet calmant.

    2. The purr from a happy cat may also be of benefit to human health.
    Le ronronnement d'un chat heureux peut aussi avoir un effet bénéfique sur la santé humaine.

    3. It is believed that cats’ purring promotes bones and tissue growth.
    On estime que le ronronnement des chats favorise la croissance des os et des tissus.

    4. People assume cats are happy when they’re purring. That’s just not always the case.
    Les gens supposent que les chats sont heureux quand ils ronronnent. Ce n'est pas toujours le cas.

    5. The vibrations from the activity are physically rejuvenating – a way for the cat to ‘heal’ itself after stress.
    Les vibrations dues à l'activité sont redynamisantes physiquement -une façon pour le chat de se "soigner" tout seul après un stress.

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de magie8, postée le 14-04-2019 à 19:51:53 (S | E)
    bonjour , je traduis la 2e partie du texte; à bientôt

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de magie8, postée le 14-04-2019 à 20:22:38 (S | E)
    Cats may also purr after they’ve been startled(8), or after stressful episodes like being (9) chased by a dog. It’s been (10) speculated for decades that purring was a form of communication. More recently, it was hypothesised that purring has other purposes(11), that the purr is a powerful healing (12) action. It’s thought that the vibrations from the activity are physically rejuvenating – a way for the cat to ‘heal’ (12B) itself after stress (13). We also see cats purring in apparent contentment while dozing. In reality, it's a form of self-repair (14). The purr has developed as a low-energy way to keep bones and tissues in good condition while they rest.(/// end of part 2)

    Les chats peuvent aussi ronronner après avoir été effarouchés, ou après un épisode stressant comme avoir été poursuivis par un chien.
    Il a été supposé pendant des décennies que ronronner était une forme de communication.Plus récemment il a été émis l'hypothèse que le ronronnement pouvait avoir d'autres buts, qu'il avait un pouvoir sur l'action de guérison.On pense que les vibrations provenant de l'activité sont physiquement régénératrices- une façon pour le chat de se guérir lui-même après un stress.Nous voyons aussi des chats ronronner d'un contentement apparent pendant leur sommeil.En réalité c'est une forme d'auto-réparation.Le ronronnement a développé une méthode de basse-énergie pour garder les os et les tissus en bonne condition pendant le repos.

    Modifié par magie8 le 14-04-2019 22:42

    Modifié par magie8 le 14-04-2019 22:57

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de magie8, postée le 14-04-2019 à 20:35:38 (S | E)
    bonjour , j ai posté la traduction de la 2eme partie , c' est disparu , si je renvoie cela risque encore de faire un doublon ? aussi j'attends quelques heures avant de recommencer

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de lucile83, postée le 14-04-2019 à 20:47:05 (S | E)
    Hello magie,
    Je n'ai rien vu d'autre que ce qui est publié; pas de bug donc.
    Il n'y aura pas de doublon.

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de chocolatcitron, postée le 14-04-2019 à 21:50:28 (S | E)
    Hello! FINISHED !

    Voici la traduction de la première partie :

    It is arguably the most (1) recognisable(2) sign of animal contentment: a pleasurable rasp * that erupts whenever a cat is tickled or petted… While(3) the purr does generally represent contentment for cats, it can also express nervousness, fear and stress. Fortunately, more often it’s an indicator of the former. (4)
    Cats begin purring when they are a few (5) days old, which(6) helps their mothers locate (7) them for feeding time. This may persist with some adult cats who purr as they feed – or who purr beforehand as they try and convince a human it’s dinner time. (/// end of part 1)

    C'est sans doute le signe de satisfaction animal le plus reconnaissable : un raclement plaisant qui surgit quand on fait des papouilles ou caresse un chat… Tandis que le ronronnement représente généralement la satisfaction pour les chats, il peut aussi exprimer la nervosité, la peur, ou le stress. Heureusement, le plus souvent c'est un indicateur du premier cas.
    Les chats commencent à ronronner quand ils sont âgés de quelques jours, ce qui aide leur maman à les localiser au moment de les nourrir. Cela peut persister avec quelques chats adultes, qui ronronnent lorsqu'ils sont nourris, ou qui ronronnent à l'avance comme s'ils essayaient de convaincre un humain, que l'heure du repas a sonné.

    See you soon!

    Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help!/ 43 de peticha, postée le 14-04-2019 à 23:40:07 (S | E)
    Hello, FINISHED !

    I'll take the third part of this text!

    Petting a cat has long been seen (15) as a form of stress relief. Those same frequencies cats purr at (16) might also be doing good to us as well. It’s likely that purring has communication, appeasement, and healing 12C properties. It calms us and pleases us, like watching waves against a beach (17). We respond to a cat’s purr as a calming stimulus(18).
    In the morning loud purring can be used, together with(19) human face patting or rubbing, to wake up a human and thus get breakfast. Ultimately, the quest to define the meaning of a purr may benefit from (20) getting to know cats’ body language better. With this deeper knowledge, the bond between cat and owner can only grow.

    Caresser un chat a longtemps été vu comme un soulagement du stress. Ces mêmes fréquences du ronronnement félin pourraient tout aussi bien nous être bénéfiques. C’est probablement que ronronner a des propriétés de communication, d’apaisement, de guérison. Ça nous calme, et ça nous plaît, comme le fait de regarder les vagues sur une plage. Les ronronnements de chats agissent sur nous comme une stimulation apaisante.
    Le matin, le ronronnement sonore peut être utilisé, associé à la caresse ou au massage du visage humain, pour le faire se lever et ainsi obtenir son petit-déjeuner.
    En fin de compte, la recherche pour traduire le sens du ronronnement permet de bénéficier d'une meilleure connaissance du langage corporel des chats. Grâce à cette profonde connaissance, le lien entre le chat et son propriétaire ne peut que s’enrichir.

    Thanks to Here4u!
    So long.

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