LS56/Let's have a break3
Cours gratuits > Forum > Exercices du forum || En basMessage de here4u posté le 14-02-2024 à 23:09:20 (S | E | F)
Hello dears,

This is an easy exercise that everyone can do.
Envie de faire une pause sur l’ exercice d’EXPRESSION Let's Suggest tel qu’il était… Pourquoi ?
Parce que ce sont toujours les deux ou trois mêmes membres qui participent maintenant, et s’entre-corrigent. Or, le but de ces exercices est tout de même de « toucher » tout le monde, et en tout cas, d'aider de nombreux apprenants !
Je pourrais renoncer définitivement, … mais je n’en ai pas envie parce que je sais et reste persuadée que l’expression écrite est le plus haut stade de maîtrise d’une langue, le plus difficile, le plus personnel aussi. Je sais que c'est "bon pour vous"...

Cette nouvelle formule a bien libéré les interventions des participants et JE SAIS, JE CROIS que vous pouvez être encore beaucoup plus nombreux à essayer d'aider tout le monde. La succession des zones de vacances est, certes, un moment difficile à passer, mais j'espère que vous aurez envie de répondre à une ou 2 questions...

Certains m’ont dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement.) Cependant, je ne vous demande pas de " raconter votre vie " si vous ne le désirez pas...

De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur.

Alors, j’ai envie de vous proposer quelque chose de plus « dirigé », plus « guidé », moins libre … en me centrant, et donc en vous faisant centrer sur UN aspect de la grammaire…
Nous reviendrons, si vous le voulez, à l’EXPRESSION lorsque vous en aurez envie et me le direz...
Je vais aujourd’hui poser plusieurs questions auxquelles vous devrez répondre en utilisant un conditionnel par réponse.
(au moins DEUX de ces structures dans la prestation entière. Temps simple ou passé, au choix)[would do/ would have done, à la forme ( affirmative, interrogative ou négative) au choix.]
Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en les numérotant bien (ou répondre à toutes si vous le désirez...) et développer celle(s) que vous voulez jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 130 - 150 mots.
1. What is your favourite colour and why?
2. What is exile to you?
3. Are you afraid of driving, especially in big cities?
4. Why are you still learning English?
5. Are you still acquainted to your first friend?
6. If it were affordable, would you like to go to the moon for a year?
Envoyez-moi vos réponses en mp et je publierai une série que vous corrigerez au fur et à mesure (en bleu d’abord pendant deux jours) puis en vert… et je publie ensuite la deuxième série... (sans changements donc !) Vous gagnez de la liberté (celle de ne pas parler d'un ou plusieurs sujets, ceux qui ne vous " inspirent pas "... Vous écrivez la longueur que vous voulez, vous pouvez choisir d'inventer, de plaisanter, ou de répondre avec sérieux... Nous vous suivrons !

Cet exercice sera pour vous un

Tous les ajustements ressentis comme étant nécessaires pourront être faits avant la fin de cet exercice, le dimanche 25 février ! Go for it!

Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de here4u, postée le 16-02-2024 à 22:55:28 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Première réponse à mes questions... Comme vous le voyez, j'ai mis le singulier... car il n'y en a qu'une ! C'est mieux que rien, pour commencer. J'attends d'autres réponses avec impatience !
ANSWER A: please, indicate possible mistakes and underline what looks clumsy to you.
topic 6
I WOULD NOT GO to the moon even for free, even if I was paid millions of dollars for that, I WOULD refused.
There's nothing to see on the moon, just rocks, nothing to do, no shops, no flowers, nothing alive. And then to stay cooped up in a suit and a helmet to breathe... I WOULD not be able to stand it for even 5 minutes.
There are enough wonders on our planet. 75 mots

Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de happynutmeg13, postée le 17-02-2024 à 09:23:43 (S | E)
Hello all !
Thank you Here4U for the exercise and for your imagination concerning these questions !😀
I'll try to help :
topic 6
I WOULD NOT GO to the moon even for free, even if I was paid millions of dollars for that, I WOULD refused. (Typo ?)
There are enough wonders on our planet
Je pense que la phrase soulignée pourrait peut-être être réarrangée. Pour le reste tout me paraît bien !
Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de alouettelulu, postée le 18-02-2024 à 11:45:11 (S | E)
Here is my try...
Thank you !
I am not afraid of driving, even in big cities. But I worry a lot to drive in cities that I don’t know, especially in rental cars. But I oblige myself.
If I did not do it, I would not travel. That would be quite a pity.
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-02-2024 15:01
gris ...
That is just a habit

Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de keyserling, postée le 18-02-2024 à 21:45:13 (S | E)
All your questions are very interesting, but the one I'm most interested in is
Topic 2: exile means for me being in a environment we don't feel connected to, it's as if we were "lost in translation". It happens that we feel at home abroad, i.e we feel more alive than in our country because of something in the air, of the music, of the way people are moving, interacting even if we don't speak their language. At Christmas or at other family's parties I've often wished, I would have gone on a journey so that I wouldn't have had to play card games with my relatives who don't know what else they could do together
Modifié par lucile83 le 18-02-2024 22:48
Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de happynutmeg13, postée le 19-02-2024 à 19:00:11 (S | E)
Hello !
Here are my suggestions concerning Alouettelulu's text :
I am not afraid of driving, even in big cities. But I worry a lot to drive But I am much worried about driving in cities that I don’t know, especially in rental cars. But I oblige myself force myself to it.
If I did not do it, I would not travel. That would be quite a pity.
Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de happynutmeg13, postée le 19-02-2024 à 19:11:29 (S | E)
Hello again ! Concerning Keyserling's text I don't think there is a lot to be changed, it is beautifully written and very suggestive.
Maybe :
All your questions are very interesting, but the one I'm most interested in is
Topic 2: exile means for me being in aan environment we don't feel connected to, it's as if we were "lost in translation". It happens that we feel at home abroad, i.e we feel more alive than in our country because of something in the air, of the music, of the way people are moving, interacting even if we don't speak their language. At Christmas or at other family's parties I've often wished, I would have gone on a journey so that I wouldn't have had to play card games with my relatives who don't know what else they could do together
Je ne sais pas s'il faut la virgule ou non après "wished" - Il en faudrait peut-être une après "journey" et après "relatives" ?
Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de here4u, postée le 19-02-2024 à 22:27:52 (S | E)

Attention! Je rappelle qu'à la première étape de ce travail il convient d' INDIQUER EN BLEUce qui semble ou est faux et que deux jours plus tard, il faut SUGGERER LES SOLUTIONS EN VERT (et enlever les erreurs, bien sûr!)
Merci de respecter les codes, sinon c'est difficile à comprendre !

Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de here4u, postée le 19-02-2024 à 22:38:19 (S | E)
Hello dear writers and correctors,
Here are ANSWERS B: please, indicate mistakes in blue, and underline what looks clumsy to you.

1. As I like a lot of blue things, I think blue is my favourite colour : what WOULD I DO without a blue cloudless sky above me, or without a deep blue sea to swimm in ? I realize most of my clothes are blue too, and, as if by chance, I recently bought a... blue car ! Why WOULD I HAVE DONE this if blue was not the colour I like most ? 76 words
2. The word « exile » sounds beautifully in itself. But as it means being away from home and longing for the ones I love, I think exile WOULDN'T DO any good to me. 33 words
4. The reason is : I have always liked this language and I am always keen to get better at it. Otherwise, why WOULD I BE DOING this exercise right now ? 30 words - 139 words
Indications in blue till the 21st in the evening, and SUGGESTIONS in greenfrom February 22nd.

Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de here4u, postée le 20-02-2024 à 14:53:30 (S | E)
Hello dears!

No indications? [ I do hate holidays!]

Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de alouettelulu, postée le 21-02-2024 à 09:10:25 (S | E)
1. As I like a lot of blue things, I think blue is my favourite colour : what WOULD I DO without a blue cloudless sky above me, or without a deep blue sea to swimm in ? I realize most of my clothes are blue too, and, as if by chance, I recently bought a... blue car ! Why WOULD I HAVE DONE this if blue was not the colour I like most ? 76 words
2. The word « exile » sounds beautifully in itself. But as it means being away from home and longing for the ones I love, I think exile WOULDN'T DO any good to me. 33 words
4. The reason is : I have always liked this language and I am always keen to get better at it. Otherwise, why WOULD I BE DOING this exercise right now ? 30 words - 139 words
Modifié par lucile83 le 21-02-2024 10:18
Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de here4u, postée le 21-02-2024 à 11:43:13 (S | E)

Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de magie8, postée le 23-02-2024 à 05:58:46 (S | E)
Correction texte alouettelulu avec l'aide de happynutmeg
I am not afraid of driving, even in big cities. But (I'am very concerned about driving in cities () I don’t know about; especially in rental cars. ( However I force myself .
If I did not do it, I would not travel. That would be quite a pity/a shame.
CORRECTION texte A toujours aidée par happynutmeg
topic 6
I WOULD NOT GO to the moon even for free, even if I was paid millions of dollars for that, I WOULD ( refuse.
(There is nothing to do, and nothing to see on the moon; apart from a heap of stones. There is not even one shop, or the slightest flower. Nothing living.
Je ne sais pas trop comment remanier cette phrase, il n'y a rien à faire ni à voir là - haut. J'ai juste un peu enrichi avec quelques petits mots. Mais la répétition de: no, pouvait aussi être un style pour appuyer le vraiment rien.
Correction selon indications de alouettelulu
or without a deep blue sea to swim in?
pour l'instant je n'a rien vu d'autre à corriger
merci à happynutmeg et alouettelulu pour leur aide

Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de here4u, postée le 25-02-2024 à 12:14:15 (S | E)
Hello dears!

C'est bien !


De mon côté, j'ai donc essayé d'éclaircir le tout ; j'ai copié-collé vos ajouts aux divers textes pour essayer d'y voir plus clair ! (mais j'étais très contente d'avoir eu de nouvelles intervenantes et des remarques intéressantes !) Je me suis efforcée de reclasser vos réponses en les regroupant par intervenant et en séparant nettement les différentes réponses par une ligne complète. J'espère que chacun s'y retrouvera...
1) ANSWER A: initial text and my first INDICATIONS:
topic 6: I WOULD NOT GO to the moon even for free, even if I was paid millions of dollars for that, I WOULD (refused.
There's nothing to see on the moon, just rocks, nothing to do, no shops, no flowers, nothing alive. And then (to stay cooped up in a suit and a helmet to breathe... (end of the sentence?) I WOULD not be able to stand (it/that

There are enough wonders on our planet. 75 mots TB, mais un peu court !
Happynutmeg’s INDICATIONS and suggestions
topic 6 : I WOULD NOT GO to the moon even for free, even if I (was (1)paid millions of dollars for that, I WOULD refused.(2) (Typo ?)
There's nothing to see on the moon, just rocks, nothing to do, no shops, no flowers, nothing alive . And then (to stay(3) cooped up in a suit and a helmet to breathe... I WOULD not be able to stand it for even 5 minutes.
There are enough wonders on our planet
Magie’s suggestions:
CORRECTION texte A toujours aidée par happynutmeg
topic 6
I WOULD NOT GO to the moon even for free, even if I was paid millions of dollars for that, I WOULD refuse.
(There is nothing to do, and nothing to see on the moon, (; apart from a heap of stones. There is not even one shop, or the slightest flower. Nothing living.
Magie dit : Je ne sais pas trop comment remanier cette phrase, il n'y a rien à faire ni à voir là - haut. J'ai juste un peu enrichi avec quelques petits mots. Mais la répétition de: no, pouvait aussi être un style pour appuyer le vraiment rien.[ Je suis bien d’accord pour dire que la répétition de ‘no’ – et même l’absence de verbe dans le dernier segment - pouvaient être ( et sont ) des effets stylistiques pour traduire le néant.]
Happy nugmeg disait : Je pense que la phrase soulignée pourrait peut-être être réarrangée. Pour le reste tout me paraît bien ! [La phrase soulignée ne me gêne pas vraiment…L’accumulation des choses manquantes est marquante !]
(1) J’aime bien insister sur l’irréel en mettant le « subjonctif » (prétérite modal) à toutes les personnes.
(2) refused est un typo, je pense !
La phrase soulignée n’est pas très « riche », ni très idiomatique, mais il n’y a pas de fautes. D’accord pour d’éventuelles améliorations…
(3) Attention ! ‘to stay cooped up’ signifie « pour rester enfermé… », je suppose que tu veux dire : « rester enfermé », c’est à ; dire : « le fait de rester enfermé », donc, quelle construction ?
Bonnes suggestions. Dommage de ne pas avoir abordé du tout l'intérêt scientifique d'un tel voyage...
alouettelulu,(Attention ! Les règles disent que l’exercice doit m’être envoyé en mp, et que je ne publie qu’un seul exercice à corriger à la fois ! Merci de respecter ces règles.

Topic 3: initial text and my INDICATIONS:
I am not afraid of driving, even in big cities. But I worry (a lot to drive in cities that I don’t know,(maladroit) especially in rental cars. But I (oblige myself.
If I did not do it, I would not travel. That would be quite a pity. 48 words. Bien, mais vraiment trop court !
Here are Happynutmeg’s suggestions concerning Alouettelulu's text:
I am not afraid of driving, even in big cities. (But/ yet, I am much worried about driving in cities that I don’t know, especially in rental cars. (But/ Nevertheless, I force myself to XX ( il manque un verbe !) it.
If I did not do it, I would not travel. That would be quite a pity. Ok ! Bonnes suggestions. Eviter les accumulations de « but »…
Magie a ajouté : Correction du texte d’ alouettelulu avec l'aide de happynutmeg
I am not afraid of driving, even in big cities. But (I'am very concerned about driving in cities () I don’t know about; especially in rental cars. ( However I force myself .
If I did not do it, I would not travel. That would be quite a pity/a shame.

ANSWERS C: keyserling’s initial text.
All your questions are very interesting, but the one I'm most interested in is Topic 2: (exile means for me being in (a environment we don't feel connected to, it's as if we were "lost in translation". It happens that we feel at home abroad, i.e we feel more alive than in our country because of something in the air, (or because) of the music, of the way people are moving, interacting even if we don't speak their language. At Christmas or at other (family's parties, I've often wished(, I (would have gone) on a journey so that I wouldn't have had to play card games with my relatives who don't know what else they could do together. 107 words(La dernière phrase est trop longue...)
happynutmeg13’ s INDICATIONS about Keyserling's text: I don't think there is a lot to be changed, it is beautifully (I wouldn’t go that far!) written and very suggestive [it is!].
Topic 2: exile means for me being in an environment we don't feel connected to, it's as if we were "lost in translation". It happens that we feel at home abroad, i.e we feel more alive than in our country because of something in the air, of the music, of the way people are moving, interacting even if we don't speak their language. At Christmas or at other (family's parties I've often wished, I(would have gone) on a journey so that I wouldn't have had to play card games with my relatives who don't know what else they could do together.
Je ne sais pas s'il faut la virgule ou non après "wished" NON - Il en faudrait peut-être une après "journey" OUI et après "relatives": je n'en mettrais pas...

- Fête de famille : family party/ family celebration/ family feast/
- I’ve often wished, I (would have gone) on a journey so that : le temps employé après ‘I’ve often wished’ ne convient pas du tout. Revoir les constructions des irréels : test : N° 103735
Lien internet
(j’aimerais avoir des propositions sur ce point – ou disons, UNE proposition. )
« à lire la 1è réponse je me rends compte que j'ai peut-être mal interprété la consigne : "would do" je pensais qu'il fallait conserver le "do" ; je trouvais cela un peu restrictif, mais je m'y suis tout de même tenue,

(Le ‘do’ n’était ici qu’un verbe donné en exemple…

1. As I like a lot of blue things, I think blue is my favourite colour : what WOULD I DO without (a/the blue cloudless sky above me, or without (a/the deep blue sea to swim(m in ? I realize most of my clothes are blue too(, and,). Là, je mettrais un point. Et commencerais une nouvelle phrase. ) as if by chance/ Coincidentally/ As luck would have it/, I recently bought a... blue car ! Why WOULD I HAVE DONE this if blue was/ weren’t) not the colour I like most ? 76 words TB

2. The word « exile » sounds beautifully in itself. (Does it?)But as it means being away from home and longing for the ones I love, I think exile WOULDN'T DO any good to me. 33 words (Good, but a little too short and abrupt.
4. The reason is:(Trop abrupt!) I have always liked this language and I am always keen (to get better at it.(Je préfère la construction ‘keen on getting’/ or ‘eager to get’) Otherwise, why WOULD I BE DOING this exercise right now ?

ANSWERS E: aurora19
(5) Good question! (yes!

So many students followed their course normally while others were neglected (?? oh dear!

S(i this is one of the reasons (who *I wasn't able to learn at school (she to deafness discovered late after. (Sorry, I can’t understand the end of the sentence. I need more explanations.
Luckily, (I at a very young age,** was self-taught and was thus able to satisfy part of my thirst for knowledge (ponctuation nécessaire. Phrase trop longue !) and I still continue, everything interests me, questions me and I will not give up. The rest of this questions could be the subject of X (article nécessaire) future development.
* construction à revoir. ‘who’ s’emploie lorsque l’antécédent (reasons) est une personne.
** le sujet et son verbe sont trop éloignés. Construction à revoir.
De bonnes idées qui ne sont pas toujours clairement exprimées.

Je vous rappelle que chacun a la possibilité de faire tout ou partie(s) de correction personnelle dans un Follow up Work.
Un grand merci à tous et toutes pour votre participation et votre bon travail.

Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de happynutmeg13, postée le 06-03-2024 à 15:15:15 (S | E)
Follow up Let's have a break 3
Topic 2: exile means for me being in an environment we don't feel connected to, it's as if we were "lost in translation". It happens that we feel at home abroad, i.e we feel more alive than in our country because of something in the air, of the music, of the way people are moving, interacting even if we don't speak their language. At Christmas or at other (family's parties I've often wished, I(would have gone) on a journey so that I wouldn't have had to play card games with my relatives who don't know what else they could do together.
Je ne sais pas s'il faut la virgule ou non après "wished" NON - Il en faudrait peut-être une après "journey" OUI et après "relatives": je n'en mettrais pas...
- Fête de famille : family party/ family celebration/ family feast/
- I’ve often wished, I (would have gone) on a journey so that : le temps employé après ‘I’ve often wished’ ne convient pas du tout. Revoir les constructions des irréels : test : N° 103735
Lien internet
(j’aimerais avoir des propositions sur ce point – ou disons, UNE proposition. )
I suggest : "I've often wished I had gone on a journey" (but I have to confess it is very intuitive, I couldn't give any grammatical reason

Réponse : LS56/Let's have a break3 de here4u, postée le 06-03-2024 à 16:03:29 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Follow up : Let's have a break 3
Topic 2: exile means for me being in an environment we don't feel connected to,
Je conseillerais : For me, exile means being in an environment... Il convient de ne pas éloigner un verbe de son COD.
it's as if we were "lost in translation". It happens that we feel at home abroad[We may feel at home abroad/ Sometimes, we feel at home abroad], i.e we feel more alive than in our country because of something in the air, of the music, of the way people are moving, interacting even if we don't speak their language. At Christmas or at other (family's parties family party I've often wished, I(would have gone) on a journey so that I wouldn't have had to play card games with my relatives who don't know what else they could do together.
Je ne sais pas s'il faut la virgule ou non après "wished" NON - Il en faudrait peut-être une après "journey" OUI et après "relatives": je n'en mettrais pas...
- Fête de famille : family party/ family celebration/ family feast/
- I’ve often wished, I (would have gone) on a journey so that : le temps employé après ‘I’ve often wished’ ne convient pas du tout. Revoir les constructions des irréels : test : N° 103735
Lien internet
(j’aimerais avoir des propositions sur ce point – ou disons, UNE proposition.

I suggest : "I've often wished I had gone on a journey"

Un regret est ici exprimé. Ce regret avec I wished, toujours délicat pour un francophone, devient plus facile à comprendre en remplaçant 'I wish/ I've often wished' par 'If only': si seulement... Si seulement j'avais fait: If only I had gone...
Lien internet
Ce test est complémentaire, pour aller plus loin... Courage !

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