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    Article/Point of view

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Article/Point of view
    Message de perfect posté le 13-09-2020 à 20:59:13 (S | E | F)
    Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait?
    Voici 3 consignes et leur réponse associée

    1/ Introduce shortly Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg
    Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook which is a very famous social media created in 2004. Recently, he'd like to develop a bitcoin money named Vibra. He's one of the richest man on Earth. Elon Musk is also a CEO, of two big companies named Space X and Tesla. The first one and by the way the most recent one is specialised on space rockets. Its particularity is to be a private company. The seconde one is specialised on eletric cars. He becomes famous since the creation of Paypal of which he is the former CEO.

    2/ What's this article mainly about ?
    This article tackles the issue of AI. It expresses the point of views from two major CEO's. These two opinions are antagonistic so the article confronts them.

    3/ We have two different men's vision. M. Zuckerberg believes that AI will allow very positive progresses for the human kind. For instance, it may help to cure diseases, to help cars drive more safely etc. Elon musk doesn't share this point of view : for him, the AI can be hazardous and compares it to the nukes where he said that AI will become "far more dangerous than nukes". He depicts therefore a negative portrait of AI and wants to warn of its dangers unlike M. Zuckerbgerg who expresses a broad opticism towards this field. The only common point in which they agree is the benefit of self driving cars.

    Merci pour toutes les corrections apportées,

    Réponse : Article/Point of view de lucile83, postée le 14-09-2020 à 12:27:32 (S | E)

    Réponse : Article/Point of view de elizabethf, postée le 14-09-2020 à 13:17:42 (S | E)
    J'ai corrigé là où pour moi il y avait des fautes de grammaire. Le reste je ne connais pas trop désolée.
    Mark Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook which is a very famous social media created in 2004. Recently, he'd like to develop a bitcoin money named Vibra (vous voulez mettre un conditionnel là?). He's one of the richest man on Earth. Elon Musk is also the CEO, of two big companies named Space X and Tesla. The first one and by the way the most recent one is specialised in space rockets. Its particularity is to be a private company. The second one is specialised in eletric cars. He became famous since the creation of Paypal which he is the former CEO.

    2/ What's this article mainly about ?
    This article tackles the issue of AI. It expresses the point of views of two major CEOs. These two opinions are antagonistic so the article confronts them.

    3/ We have two different men's vision. M. Zuckerberg believes that AI will allow very positive progresses for the human kind. For instance, it may help to cure diseases, to help cars drive more safely etc. Elon musk doesn't share this point of view : for him, the AI can be hazardous and compares it to the nukes where he said that AI will become "far more dangerous than nukes". He depicts therefore a negative portrait of AI and wants to warn of its dangers unlike M. Zuckerbgerg who expresses a broad opticism towards this field. The only common point in which they agree is the benefit of self driving cars.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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