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    Toefl/correction 2

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Toefl/correction 2
    Message de louanna posté le 16-09-2020 à 08:13:26 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour : je souhaite passer le TOEFL en octobre, malheureusement je n'arrive pas à évaluer mon niveau en WRITING et SPEAKING, je vais poster 5 Expressions Ecrites Libres, si quelqu'un pouvait me corriger ce serait super ! merci beaucoup

    Why do you think some people are attracted to dangerous sports or other dangerous activities ? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

    Dangerous sports, like ski, VTT, formula 1, paragliding... are most of the time really attractive. In effect, some people are in love with the dangerous side that can bring some sports. Now, it’s important to try understanding why danger makes a sport attractive for some people. It can be explain with three reasons.

    Firstly, people who practice dangerous sports can access to unique sensations. For example, someone who is fighting at an UFC competition can be extremely motived by public screaming around, musique, atmosphere. Then, he’ll be excited by this environment, goes on and wouldn’t be scared by his opponent.

    This type of atomesphere can causes a second reason of why dangerous sports are attractive : challenge. When people are in a dangerous way of thinking, they generally like challenge. So, doing dangerous sports afford them to often challenge themselves. For example, a man who is skiing can challenge him to do the black track and he will be proud of his success and fix new challenges.

    But, I think the most important reason, is that we can consider these peoples like rebels and adventurers, they like what nobody like. It’s logic that the feeling of liberty is absolutely necessary for them, and in those dangerous sports they can find it. Those sports make them feel free because they can do what they want even if it’s risky. For example, a skater who is going extremely high with a ramp will feel like flying. Or a VTT driver can goes where he want even in mountains, rivers... and nobody can forbide him.

    To sum up, dangerous sports are attractive for people who likes high sensations, challenge and liberty.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 16-09-2020 09:28

    Réponse : Toefl/correction 2 de laure95, postée le 16-09-2020 à 10:56:08 (S | E)
    - In effect: in fact.
    - to try understanding (mettre à l'infinitif)why danger makes a sport attractive for some people.
    - It can be explain (participe passé)with (pas la bonne préposition)three reasons.

    - Firstly, people who practice dangerous sports can (have)access to unique sensations.
    - someone who is fighting (présent simple)at an (a pas an)UFC competition
    - motived: ce mot n'existe pas.
    - musique: orthographe.
    - (article) atmosphere.

    - This type of atomesphere can causes (can + infinitif)a second reason of (pas la bonne préposition)why dangerous sports are attractive : challenge.
    - When people are in a dangerous way of thinking: ?
    - For example, a man who is skiing (présent simple)can challenge

    - these peoples: people est déjà un mot pluriel.
    - It’s logic (al)that the feeling of liberty is absolutely necessary for them
    - Or a VTT driver can goes
    - where he want (faute de conjugaison) even in mountains,
    - forbide: orthographe.

    - for people who likes (faute de conjugaison)high sensations, challenge and liberty.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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