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    Toefl/correction 3

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Toefl/correction 3
    Message de louanna posté le 16-09-2020 à 08:14:05 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour : je souhaite passer le TOEFL en octobre, malheureusement je n'arrive pas à évaluer mon niveau en WRITING et SPEAKING, je vais poster 5 Expressions Ecrites Libres, si quelqu'un pouvait me corriger ce serait super ! merci beaucoup

    What are the important qualities of a good son or daughter ? Have these qualities changed or ramined the same over time in your culture ?

    I’ll talk about my personnal experience. I have an italian culture and I’m a girl, so there are a lot of qualities to have. First, I’ll talk about qualities that changed trhough generations, next I’ll explain which qualities remained the same over time in my culture. I can answer to this question with considering my mother and grandmother’s experiences.

    In the first place, school success is an important quality to have today, it makes all the family proud. But before, they were like ten children and just one were going to school, so it wasn’t as much important than today with obligatory school. For cook ,before it was a necessary quality, while, today this is just a plus for a woman. I mean, I just know cooking basics but I don’t even know all italian traditionnal recipes.

    In the second place, some qualities stay the same over time. For me the most intrusive in my daily is cleaning. The house always have to be clean and it was the same at my mother’s period. And the second quality is respect. I think this is an intemporal quality because it’s the pillar of life, my grandfather said : «respect other people and they’ll respect you» it isn’t always true but it motivate us to stay respectful in every situations.

    To sum up, intelligence at school was less important before and cook was more important before so it changed over time, but cleaning and respect always stay as important qualities in my culture.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 16-09-2020 09:25

    Réponse : Toefl/correction 3 de laure95, postée le 16-09-2020 à 11:01:25 (S | E)
    - I have an italian (majuscule)culture
    - First, I’ll talk about (article) qualities that changed (présent perfect)trhough (orthographe)generations,
    - which qualities remained (présent perfect)the same over time in my culture.
    - I can answer to this question with considering my mother('s) and grandmother’s experiences.

    - they were like ten children: ?
    - and just one were going (faute de conjugaison + prétérit simple) to school,
    - so it wasn’t as much important than (as .... as) today with obligatory school.
    - For cook (pas à la bonne place) ,before it was a necessary quality,
    - italian

    -In the second place, some qualities stay (pas le bon mot ici)the same over time.
    - The house always have (faute de conjugaison)to be clean
    - it motivate (faute de conjugaison) us to stay (pas le bon mot ici)respectful in every situations (every + singulier).

    - cook(ing) was more important before so it changed (présent perfect) over time,
    - but cleaning and respect always stay (pas le bon mot ici)as important qualities in my culture.

    Réponse : Toefl/correction 3 de sneaky13, postée le 18-09-2020 à 20:16:19 (S | E)
    - they were like ten children Before (in a family) there were about ten children.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 19-09-2020 18:51

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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