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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Corriger/ texte
    Message de maria0521 posté le 26-03-2023 à 06:01:45 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour ,
    j'ai répondu à ce texte, est ce que vous pouvez me le corriger s'il vous plait ?
    Merci d'avance.

    Read the passage about a river journey. Mark sentences 26 to 30 T (True) or F
    (False) or N (No Information).

    As the boat slowly made its way down the river and emerged from the trees into the
    sunlight of the grasslands, I got my first view of Boze Village. For the last mile of
    narrow, winding river, naked village children had been following us, running out of the
    seemingly impenetrable jungle to shout their welcome, only to disappear again. A
    hundred yards further on, we would see the same children balanced precariously on an
    over-hanging branch, laughing and waving. This was to be my Papua New Guinea
    home for the next two years, and as we tied up to the roots of a giant mango tree, the
    entire population was standing on the bank, partly to welcome me and partly to have a
    good look at its very own volunteer. As I carefully stepped over the tree’s exposed
    roots, hands appeared from everywhere to help me on to the bank. The villagers and I
    had waited a long time for this day, and they would never have forgiven themselves had
    I slipped into the muddy brown water below. Inu Dai, the headman, was screaming
    instructions to everyone. One look at me must have convinced him that whatever
    talents I possessed, agility was not one of them. I am not quite sure just what he
    expected, but the arrival of a short, portly, slightly balding, middle-aged volunteer must
    have given him some pause for thought.

    1) This was the volunteer’s first visit to Papua New Guinea. T / F / N
    2) The volunteer was given a warm welcome by the villagers. T / F / N
    3) Inu Dai was in charge of the boat. T / F / N
    4) The volunteer tripped over tree roots and fell into the river. T / F / N
    5) The volunteer speaks a little of the local language. T / F / N

    Modifié par lucile83 le 26-03-2023 11:12
    Déplacé dans le forum 'Anglais'.

    Réponse : Corriger/ texte de laure95, postée le 26-03-2023 à 10:54:41 (S | E)
    tout est ok sauf pour la 4: car on peut lire: "As I carefully stepped over the tree’s exposed roots, hands appeared from everywhere to help me on to the bank"

    Réponse : Corriger/ texte de maria0521, postée le 26-03-2023 à 11:33:13 (S | E)
    Bonjour laure95, merci de m'a voir répondu.
    donc la question 4) est T F c'est ça ?

    Réponse : Corriger/ texte de laure95, postée le 27-03-2023 à 10:26:53 (S | E)

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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