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    A real nightmare/help

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    A real nightmare/help
    Message de pitou posté le 05-12-2023 à 10:42:11 (S | E | F)

    Je vous prie de vouloir bien me corriger la traduction de mon texte " Un vrai cauchemar "

    A real nigtmare
    I knew it the day woud come when I was going to break down, it was inevitable with all the stress I was experiencing
    with all the burdes weighing on me : the family, the work and what I had to do. I no longer had the time to distract myself. until one day I couldn't stand
    it anymore, and the nightmare began! With unbearable panic attacks for days and days until a doctor told me to rest so that the symptoms would subside then disappear.

    Thank you very much!

    Modifié par lucile83 le 05-12-2023 11:47

    Réponse : A real nightmare/help de gerondif, postée le 05-12-2023 à 17:02:58 (S | E)
    Un vrai cauchemar
    Je le savais qu'il viendrait, le jour où j'allais craquer, c'était inévitable avec tout le stress que j'étais en train de vivre, avec toutes les charges qui pesaient sur moi : la famille, le boulot et tout ce que j'avais à faire.
    Je n'avais plus le temps de me distraire. Jusqu'au jour où je n'ai plus pu le supporter, et le cauchemar commença ! Avec des crises de panique insupportables pendant des jours et des jours jusqu'à ce qu'un médecin me dise de me reposer afin que les symptômes diminuent puis disparaissent.

    A real nightmare
    I knew it pretty well / for sure /, that the day would come when I was going to break down, it was inevitable with all the stress I was experiencing, with all the burdes burdens weighing on me (pulling me down) : the family, the work (job) and what all I had to do. I no longer had the time to distract myself (to have fun serait plus courant. Ou bien : I no longer had any time for leisure. until one day I couldn't stand it anymore, and the nightmare began! With unbearable panic-attacks for days and days until a doctor told me to rest so that the symptoms would subside and then disappear.

    Réponse : A real nightmare/help de pitou, postée le 06-12-2023 à 08:10:10 (S | E)

    A real nightmare
    I knew it that the day would come when I was going to break down, it was inevitable with all the stress I was experiencing
    with all the burdens weighing on me : the family, the job and all I had to do. I no longer had any time for leisure. until one day I couldn't stand
    it anymore, and the nightmare began! With unbearable panic~attacks for days and days until a doctor told me to rest so that the symptoms would subside then disappear.

    Merci gerondif de votre aide

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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