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    Message de zivalouna posté le 03-11-2007 à 06:40:34 (S | E | F | I)

    Bonjour à tous, quelqu’un pourrait me m'aider à récapituler ce résumé SVP(en anglais bien sur !) car le texte si dessous est déjà un récapitulatif que j'ai fait en regroupent 3 textes, mais là je le trouve encore trop grand...alors je me demandais si quelqu'un pouvait me synthétiser encore un peu plus le résumé que j'ai écrit SVP!
    Le voici:

    In the part sport used to be the result of big efforts and hard work. It was a sweaty affair. Now it has become business. Television plays important role in so that millions of viewers can watch television. It draws public attention more powerfully than politicians or rock stars. But today science helps train athletes harder but smarter coaches want athletes to be more efficient. Unfortunately some athletes take drugs to enhance their performance because victory means wealth, adulation and hoped to live. However it’s hard for athletes to resist the temptations but it gives a bad image of sport.

    Je vous remercie d’avance!
    Modifié par bridg le 03-11-2007 09:37

    Réponse: Récapitulatif de hpesoj, postée le 04-11-2007 à 02:43:11 (S | E)
    In the past sport used to be the result of big efforts and hard work. It was a sweaty affair. Now it has become business. Television plays important role in so that millions of viewers can watch television. It draws public attention more powerfully than politicians or rock stars. But today science helps train athletes harder but smarter coaches want athletes to be more efficient. Unfortunately some athletes take drugs to enhance their performance because victory means wealth, adulation and hoped to live. However it’s hard for athletes to resist the temptations but it gives a bad image of sport.

    - "in that" = "ce qui je le veut dire est que"
    - "hoped to live" - Qu'est-ce que vous voulais dire? Ce n'a pas de sens.


    Réponse: Récapitulatif de zivalouna, postée le 04-11-2007 à 05:02:51 (S | E)

    Merci de m'aider! J'ai fait des erreurs de frappe lors de ma rédaction voila le texte tout entier, tel que je l'ai écrit:

    In the past sport used to be the result of big efforts and hard work. It was a sweaty affair. Now it has become business. Television plays important role in so that millions of viewers can watch television. It draws public attention more powerfully than politicians or rock stars. But today science helps train athletes harder but smarter coaches want athletes to be more efficient. Unfortunately some athletes take drugs to enhance their performance because victory means wealth, adulation and respect whereas defeat means the end of the life they hoped to live. However it’s hard for athletes to resist the temptations but it gives a bad image of sport.

    Désolée pour la phrase "Unfortunately...." j'avais fait une erreur de frappe... il manqué une partie de la phrase... Par contre je ne comprends pas vos corrections concernant "in that"

    Réponse: Récapitulatif de williamengland, postée le 04-11-2007 à 09:48:02 (S | E)
    Sport used to be a matter of individual effort, but what was a game has become a business. Television and its millions of viewers draw attention to sportsmen as much as to politicians and rock stars. Modern science has brought the positive benefits of more efficient training schemes and better diet, but has also produced performance enhancing drugs. While the rewards of sporting success are wealth and adulation, many athletes will not resist the temptation of an apparent shortcut, even if illegal.
    Hope this helps, feel free to rearrange it or ask me about any changes I have made.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 04-11-2007 10:16
    Taille de la police.

    Réponse: Récapitulatif de zivalouna, postée le 04-11-2007 à 10:42:59 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup pour vos aides, hpesoj et williamengland! Vous m'avez beaucoup aidée et je vous en suis très reconnaissante! Encore merci! a+

    Modifié par willy le 04-11-2007 10:52



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