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    'fish' et 'fishes' (1)

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    'fish' et 'fishes'
    Message de mastery posté le 15-08-2008 à 17:17:09 (S | E | F)

    je souhaite savoir à quel moment l'on ecrit fish avec "s" et qu'est ce que cela désigne en ce moment? merci de votre attention

    Réponse: 'fish' et 'fishes' de lucile83, postée le 15-08-2008 à 17:45:51 (S | E)
    Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary online:
    noun (pl. fish or fishes). Fish is the usual plural form. The older form, fishes, can be used to refer to different kinds of fish.
    From childhood memory of the Christian gospel, I think the English versions of the feeding of the 5000 always refers to "five loaves" and "two fishes".

    A link:
    Lien Internet

    See you

    Réponse: 'fish' et 'fishes' de TravisKidd, postée le 15-08-2008 à 18:16:51 (S | E)
    Of course the link appears to contradict your childhood memory .

    Generally speaking, the plural of "fish" is "fish". However it is possible to use "fishes" for a literary/poetic effect. It is also possible to use "fishes" to refer to species/types of fish, but I think in this case it is better to say "species/types of fish".

    Note however that the possessive forms are "fish's" for the singular and "fishes'" for the plural. And of course the third person singular conjugation of the verb "to fish" is "fishes".

    Réponse: 'fish' et 'fishes' de lucile83, postée le 15-08-2008 à 20:56:32 (S | E)
    Sorry but I don't think there's a contradiction



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