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    Correction-writing skill (1)

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    Correction-writing skill
    Message de pepepol posté le 27-04-2009 à 12:11:21 (S | E | F)

    Can you make a signal in my mistakes? I would try to find the grammar rule.
    Thank you very much.

    The other day I was speaking with a salesman who told me that people bought a lot of things that they didn't need, shampoos, creams, clothes, baby seats, and others…
    The fact is that today we have good jobs, good salaries, good houses, and a lot of time in order to spend in mega-big commercial centres. But after all, when we buy an electrical cleaner dump and we arrive at home, we always make the same question: What are we doing with that? And obviously the answer is always the same, another unuseful thing for the back garden.
    When I go to buy at the supermarket I always eat at home before buying, I always have change in my pocket and I bring a calculator with me. I don't like the surprises at the cashier. I believe that doing a good planning before, I can stay calm during my shopping time. However, sometimes I take a chocolate bar or some “pipas saladas”.

    Réponse: Correction-writing skill de jean31, postée le 27-04-2009 à 13:50:11 (S | E)
    ¡holà! pepepol,

    The other day I was speaking with a salesman who told me that people bought a lot of things that they didn't need, shampoos, creams, clothes, baby seats, and others…
    The fact is that today we have good jobs, good salaries, good houses, and a lot of time in order to spend in mega-big commercial centres. But after all, when we buy an electrical cleaner dump ?? Did you mean "discounted"? and we arrive at home, we always make ask ourselves the same question: What are we doing with that? And obviously the answer is always the same, another unuseful useless thing for the back garden.
    When I go shopping at to the supermarket I always eat at home before buying, I always have change in my pocket and I bring a calculator with me. I don't like the surprises at the cashier cash desk. I believe that doing a good planning before, I can stay calm during my shopping time. However, sometimes I take have a chocolate bar or some “pipas saladas”.

    - to go/arrive (0) home, sans préposition avec un verbe de mouvement. Mais He is/is not/ at home now.
    - pas de déterminant "the" devant les noms abstraits ou concrets employés dans la généralité. EG les surprises = (0) surprises.
    - cashier = caissier(-ère), la personne.
    - prendre/consommer qqch se traduit la plupart du temps par to have sth.

    Réponse: Correction-writing skill de pepepol, postée le 27-04-2009 à 16:00:22 (S | E)
    Je suis trés content qu´elles ne soient pas de très grandes fautes. De toutes façons ça n'a pas fait que commercer...

    Merci beaucoup Jean31 par votre correction.



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