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    Roméo et Juliette/Correction

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    Roméo et Juliette/Correction
    Message de redfeather posté le 29-03-2011 à 22:26:46 (S | E | F)
    Bonsoir à tous et à toutes.
    J'ai écrit une rédaction sur Roméo et Juliette (la suite après leur mariage), et j'aimerais savoir si j'ai fait des fautes ou autres, s'il vous plaît.
    Merci à vous

    The sun rays were still sweet. This morning, the day before their wedding, Romeo and Juliet are given appointment for have a conversation about their marriage. Romeo is before the church of Verona, he perceives Juliet.
    'How are you Juliet ? I thought you would never come ! '
    'So do I! ' replied Juliet anxiously.
    The two newlyweds looked happy to see, but something was wrong.
    'My family knows it is happening something, if we do nothing, they will discover our secret marriage. ' explained Juliet.
    'We have to go away ! If one of our family learn our love, they will separate us, and I don't want that happen.' retorted Romeo loudly.
    Romeo took the hands of Juliet tenderly, he continued 'I want live my love with you, and not secretly. '
    'But if we live together, our families will understand that we fled, and we can never go back to Verona. '
    Juliet looked really anxious, but she knew that her love was stronger than anything and would be ready to sacrifice anything to live it.
    'Ok, so I will wait for you this night after the sunset, and we will leave. '
    The two lovers exchanged a last kiss before returning to their respective families.
    Modifié par bridg le 29-03-2011 23:02
    + corrections+titre

    Réponse: Roméo et Juliette/Correction de gerondif, postée le 29-03-2011 à 23:47:56 (S | E)

    certains mots sont incongrus ou décalés comme si un traducteur automatique les avait trouvés sans réfléchir....

    The sun rays were still sweet. This morning, the day before their wedding, Romeo and Juliet are given (ont donné?) (article)appointment for(pour + verbe) have a conversation about their marriage. Romeo is before the church of Verona, he perceives(percevoir) Juliet.
    'How are you Juliet ? I thought you would never come ! '
    'So do I! '(moi non plus au prétérit) replied Juliet anxiously.
    The two newlyweds (impossible si le rendez vous a lieu "one day before their wedding") looked happy to see (l'un l'autre), but something was wrong.
    'My family knows it is happening (construction)something, if we do nothing, they will discover our secret marriage. ' explained Juliet.
    'We have to go away ! If one of our family learn(entends parler de) our love, they will separate us, and I don't want that (préposition infinitive)happen.' retorted Romeo loudly.
    Romeo took the hands of(cas possessif) Juliet tenderly, he continued 'I want (manque une préposition) live my love with you, and not secretly. '
    'But if we live together, our families will understand that we fled, and we can (futur?) never go back to Verona. '
    Juliet looked really anxious, but she knew that her love was stronger than anything and would be ready to sacrifice anything to live it.
    'Ok(me parait familier dans la bouche de Juliet, cela me rappelle une chanson de Dire Straits), so I will wait for you this night (tonight est plus courant)after the sunset, and we will leave. '
    The two lovers exchanged a last kiss before returning to their respective families.

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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