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    Correct / sentences

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    Correct / sentences
    Message de grenouille182 posté le 25-12-2012 à 19:56:12 (S | E | F)

    In this exercise I have to correct the mistakes in the sentences. I wrote the ´´wrong´´ sentence and then my suggestion for the correction.
    Can you proofread it please ?

    1) For the discussion see the below section of the book.
    my answer : For the discussion see the above section of the book. - or - For the discussion see the below section in the book. (I´m not sure how to correct this one)

    2) He felt weakly after the sickness.
    my answer : He felt weak after the sickness.

    3) They will likely come by bus.
    my answer : They are likely to come by bus.

    4) The train was fastly stuck in the snow.
    my answer : The train was fast stuck in the snow.

    5) The arrow fell a short distance shortly of the target.
    my answer : The arrow fell a short distance off the target.

    6) He was just a low bank clerk.
    my answer : He was just a lowly bank clerk.

    7) The situation was very annoying me.
    my answer : The situation was very annoying to me.

    8) His clean-shaved head was visible from the distance.
    my answer : I don´t know how to correct this sentence.

    9) My aunt is dear.
    my answer : My aunt is dear to me.

    10) My brother is elder than me.
    my answer : My brother is older than me.

    11) How slow is your new car ?
    my answer : How fast is your new car ?

    12) This is the point of lesser importance, or, the less problem.
    my answer : This is the point of lesser importance or the less problem.

    13) Some farther information is needed.
    my answer : Some further information is needed.

    14) He was aware of that there will be many problems.
    my answer : He was aware of the problems there will be .

    15) You´ve just come back from Britain. Like what was it ?
    my answer : You´ve just come back from Britain. Was it was like ?

    Modifié par lucile83 le 25-12-2012 21:38

    Réponse: Correct / sentences de brettdallen, postée le 25-12-2012 à 23:54:48 (S | E)

    I think the instructions ("correct") are a bit vague as there are many ways to correct a sentence. Anyway, here's what I suggest :

    1) For the discussion see the below section of the book.
    my answer : For the discussion see the above section of the book. - or - For the discussion see the below section in the book. (I´m not sure how to correct this one)
    For the discussion see the section of the below.

    2) He felt weakly after the sickness.
    my answer : He felt weak after the sickness.

    He felt weak after being sick/ill.

    3) They will likely come by bus.
    my answer : They are likely to come by bus. or "They will probably come by bus."

    4) The train was fastly stuck in the snow.
    my answer : The train was fast stuck in the snow.

    5) The arrow fell a short distance shortly of the target.
    my answer : The arrow fell a short distance off/from the target.

    6) He was just a low bank clerk.
    my answer : He was just a lowly junior bank clerk.

    7) The situation was very annoying me.
    my answer : The situation was very annoying to me.

    The situation was annoying me a lot.

    8) His clean-shaved head was visible from the distance.
    ..could be seen...
    my answer : I don´t know how to correct this sentence.

    9) My aunt is dear.
    my answer : My aunt is dear to me.

    10) My brother is elder than me.
    my answer : My brother is older than me.

    11) How slow is your new car ?
    my answer : How fast is your new car ?

    12) This is the point of lesser importance, or, the less problem.
    my answer : This is the/a point of lesser importance or (the less problem)(??).

    13) Some farther information is needed.
    my answer : Some further information is needed.

    14) He was aware of that there will be many problems.
    my answer : He was aware of the problems there will be .

    15) You´ve just come back from Britain. Like what was it ?
    my answer : You´ve just come back from Britain. Was it was like ?
    What was it like?

    Again, I'll say "correcting" without any further instructions is not easy, unless you're totally free to do so.

    Bye bye !

    Réponse: Correct / sentences de sherry48, postée le 26-12-2012 à 00:27:31 (S | E)
    Brettdallen has given good corrections, and as he stated, many of them can be corrected more than one way. There are just a few that you can improve.
    1) For the discussion see the below section of the book.
    my answer : The problem is that below is being used as if it were an adjective, but it is an adverb.

    4) The train was fastly stuck in the snow.
    my answer : The train was fast stuck in the snow. Wrong order.

    5) The arrow fell a short distance shortly of the target.
    my answer : The arrow fell a short distance off the target. or...The arrow fell short...

    8) His clean-shaved head was visible from the distance.
    my answer : Try clean shaven.

    14) He was aware of that there will be many problems.
    my answer : He was aware of the problems there will be . You could start with 'He was aware that' but use would instead of will.


    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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