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    Lettre famille/ Canada

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Lettre famille/ Canada
    Message de colinettelamiss posté le 09-03-2014 à 14:34:43 (S | E | F)
    Je pars cet été pour 3 semaines au Canada et je dois rédiger une lettre pour ma famille d'accueil. J'aimerais beaucoup que l'on m'aide à en corriger les erreurs.
    Merci pour vos réponses.

    Dear host family

    I am writing to you in order to introduce myself. My name is Coline, I'm 15 but 16 the 21st May. I'm tall, I have long blond hair and green eyes. I live in a house in a small town, ***** next to *****. I live there with my parents Nicolas and Sandrine, my little sister Candice and my little brother Celian. Candice is 14 and Celian is 10. I have too a black and white cat.

    I learn english since three years and german. I take ballet lessons since 10 years and I really enjoy it. During my free time I read a lot, I see my friend or I listen any kind of music (Adele, Katy Perry, One Direction...). I have 4 best friends. I'm interested in lots of different stuff or sport but I don't like horseriding. I love going shopping and cooking (cookies, chocolate cake, crepes...). I'm not fussy with food, I generally like everything but fish is not my favorite food.

    At school, my favorite subject is english, math and french. I'm hard-working and a good people. I think I'm tidy, a little shy, nice, friendly and maybe too a little impatient. I'm responsible and reasonable.

    In february I went with my family for the first time in west of the USA. I visited Los Angeles, Las Vegas and San Fransisco. There was very beautiful moment. I very loved this trip. I like to go away and visit new land. I went too many times in England with my family or in a host family. I would like to be bilingual french/ englisch. I hope to improve my english with you. So I'm really happy to go to Canada. I always wanted to go there. I'm eager to discover Canada's culture and I'm very excited! I would like to see whale but I believe it's not the good time in july. It will be for another time.

    Kind regards

    Modifié par lucile83 le 09-03-2014 14:37

    Réponse: Lettre famille/ Canada de danyy, postée le 09-03-2014 à 17:05:23 (S | E)
    Bonjour colinettelamiss,

    Je n'ai pas un excellent niveau d'anglais, toutefois je peux tout de même t'apporter mon aide.
    "I have too a black and white cat.", je pense que tu dois dire: " I have also a black and white cat".
    Il y a aussi: "I'm hard-working and a good people" mais c'est plutôt "person" qu'il faudrait mettre.

    Voilà après je crois qu'il y a d'autres petites erreurs, mais je préfère ne pas me prononcer vu que je n'en suis pas sûr...
    Bonne journée !

    Modifié par lucile83 le 09-03-2014 17:22
    Une correction effacée car erronée.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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