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    Correction /dissertation

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Correction /dissertation
    Message de maebgl posté le 07-11-2016 à 14:51:34 (S | E | F)
    je m'entraîne par moi-même à rédiger en anglais, j'ai choisi un sujet dans les annales du TOEFL. Si quelqu'un a le temps et la gentillesse de me relire et corriger mon écrit, ce serait très sympa.
    Merci pour vos réponses.

    Do you agree or disagree ? Parents are the best teachers

    Before getting to the heart of the matter, I'd like to draw your attention to a common truth : family is the keystone of society.  It is through it that we learn how to live with other people. Parents are the first model for young people. But, the question is, are parents always the best teacher ?
    At first sight, it stands to reason that parents are the best teachers as they are the first people who care about our education, They are supposed to want the best for their child. They duty as parents is to help their child to become an independant and responsible adult, To this end, they will learn to him some life's basics : how to walk, how to speak, how to be clean but also how to become a kind, smart and polite person.
    There is no manual explaining how becoming a perfect parent, they have to learn from the field the way to educate a child. But, with all their experience about life they are able to guide us and help us to make important decisions about our futur and to no repeat the same mistakes that they could do before. Moreover, they are normally, the one who care the most about our happiness, that's why they have no interest in giving us consciously bad advices.
    During adolescence, childrens could have the impression that their parents are too strict and don't give them enought freedom. But, they will understand later that parents acted like this to protect them.

    As explain above, Parents can be good teachers when they care about their children's futur. But what if, the parents are not really involved or involved in a bad way in their children's education ? Can you really educated a child if you are not yourself a balanced person ? An adult who has not a good aducation will transmit this bad behaviour to his child. Indeed, childrens copy parental behaviour whether or not the behaviour  is worthy of copying. It is often noted that childrens who have been abused are more likely to become abusive parents.
    Another problem is that sometimes, parents project their own fears or ambitions on their children. The risky here is to remove the free will of the child who will act in accordance with their parent's projections.

    Finally, we could think that parent's are good guides when they care about our futur and when they are well-balanced adults, but they are not necessarily the best teachers. In effect they are likely to influence us on our life's projects. Sometimes, we have to learn from our mistakes and to take responsabilities from our choices.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 07-11-2016 14:53

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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