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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Message de theavy posté le 11-01-2017 à 15:16:55 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour tout le monde,
    Je suis Theavy. Je voudrais que vous m'aidiez à corriger mes erreurs s'il vous plait.
    Merci beaucoup d'avance pour vos réponses.
    “They were not what the young are, the young are smarter than them…” the old people said. This speech is completely agreed by many people. So in my opinion, I totally agreed with young generation knows best. Because of there are three main reasons such as high technology, communication, and better education.
    Firstly, because of high technology, new generation better knows than the old. These days, children or teenagers or adults live in technology lives. They can invent what they want. For example, they invent many useful things and they compete their amazing things at international science fair, etc. Furthermore, they do much research of their lessons or of their lives. Anyway, the old neither concern this way, nor open their mind to get something new.
    Secondly, the young have better communication than the old. They are brave to make conversation with the strange person even in their countries or in abroad. Sometimes, they get more knowledge from that person, especially foreigners. Besides that, they change ideas each other. This is why they learn more than the old because of broad minds.
    Thirdly, the new generation have higher education. Today, there are many standard schools which are teaching the young. So they can absorb knowledge more than the other. And they can apply this knowledge appropriately into their lives. Because of educating is improving for many years, the young has much chance to develop themselves as well. For instance, they can go to the library or internet in order to find more resource. In contrast, there was not like that in the previous period.
    In conclusion, these three important reasons can express that the young knows best. This is why the old should accept this task, then they should motivate their new generations. Moreover, the young will use their knowledge to change and improve their society in the future.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 11-01-2017 22:05

    Réponse : Technology/aide de here4u, postée le 11-01-2017 à 16:29:07 (S | E)
    Hello !

    Ce début "in medias res" ne facilite pas la compréhension. (De quoi s'agit-il?)
    “They were not what the young are, the young are smarter than them…” the old people said. This speech is completely agreed by many people.(construction à refaire) So in my opinion, I totally agreed with XXX young generation knows best. Because of there are three main reasons (for what?) such as high technology, communication, and better education.
    Firstly, because of high technology,XXX new generation better knows= word order than the old XXX . These days, children or teenagers or adults live in technology lives. They can invent what they want. For example, they invent many useful things and they compete their amazing things at international science fairS, etc. Furthermore, they do much research of their lessons or of their lives. Anyway, the old neither concern this way, nor open their mind to get something new.(sorry !it doesn't make sense!)
    Secondly, the young XXX have better communication than the old XXX . They are brave to make conversation with the strange personS even in their countries or in abroad. Sometimes, they get more knowledge from that person, especially foreigners. (Not clear at all!)Besides that, they change ideas each other. This is why they learn more than the old XXX because of broad minds.
    Thirdly, the new generation have higher education. Today, there are many standard schools which are teaching the young XXXXXX. So they can absorb knowledge more than the otherS? . And they can apply this knowledge appropriately into their lives. Because of educating is improving= wrong tense!) for many years, the young has much chance (more opportunities?) to develop themselves as well. For instance, they can go to the library or XX XXX internet in order to find more resourceX . In contrast, there was not like that in the previous period.
    In conclusion, these three important reasons can express that the young knows best. This is why the old should accept this task,(Which one?) then they should motivate their new generations. Moreover, the young will use their knowledge to change and improve their society in the future.

    Sorry, but this isn't crystal clear...

    Réponse : Technology/aide de theavy, postée le 12-01-2017 à 03:32:45 (S | E)
    Bonjour, C'est mon nouveau texte.

    Nowadays, the technology is very modern and from one generation to one generation people know better than before. So in my opinion, I totally agreed with this topic says that young generation knows best. There are three main reasons that make young generation know the best such as high technology, communication, and better education.
    Firstly, because of high technology make new generation knows better than the old generation. These days, children or teenagers or adults live in technology era. They can invent what they want. For example, they invent many useful things and they compete their amazing things at international science fairs, etc. Furthermore, they do much research on their lessons and their lives.
    Secondly, the young generations have better communication than the old generation. They are brave to make conversation with strange persons even in their countries or at abroad. Sometimes, they get more knowledge from that person, especially foreigners. For instance, if we stay alone, we can’t know news and don’t have good idea also. This is why they learn more than the old generation because of broad minds.
    Thirdly, the new generations have higher education. Today, there are many standard schools which are teaching young generations. So they can absorb knowledge more than the others. And they can apply this knowledge appropriately into their lives. Because education is increasing for many years, the young have more opportunities to develop themselves as well. For instance, they can go to the library or in the internet in order to find more resources. In contrast, it not likes that in the previous period.
    In conclusion, these three important reasons can express that the young generation knows best. This is why the old should accept these reasons, and then they should motivate their new generations. Moreover, the young will use their knowledge to change and improve their society in the future.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 12-01-2017 06:51

    Réponse : Technology/aide de here4u, postée le 12-01-2017 à 03:41:49 (S | E)
    Pas de problèmes, je regarderai la version 2 dans quelques heures .... 😀

    Réponse : Technology/aide de here4u, postée le 12-01-2017 à 10:11:57 (S | E)
    Hello !
    XXX = il manque des éléments!
    Nowadays, the technology(pour garder le "the" il faudrait la déterminer!) is very modern and from one generation to oneanother one generation, people know better than before. So in my opinion, I totally agreed (très maladroit!) with this topic says =quand il affirme que)that XXX (déterminer!)young generation knows best(better!). There are three main reasons that make XXX young generation know (the best) better such as high technology, communication, and A better education.
    Firstly, because of high technology (make)tHE new generation knows better than the old generation. =ne veut rien dire! These days, children, or teenagers or adults live in A technology era. They can invent what they want. For example, they invent many useful things and they compete XXXX their amazing things at international science fairs, etc. Furthermore, they do much research on their lessons and their lives.
    Secondly, the young generations have better communication than the old generation. They are brave to make conversation = très maladroit ... (they dare speak?)with strange(unknown??) persons= (strangers) even in their countries or at abroad. Sometimes, they get more knowledge from that person, especially foreigners. For instance, if we stay alone, we can’t know news and don’t have good idea also.(WHY NOT ? i do!) This is why they learn more than the old generation because of broad minds (not very clear!).
    Thirdly, the new generations have higher education. Today, there are many standard schools which are teaching young generations. So they can "absorb" knowledge more than the others???. And they can apply this knowledge appropriately into their lives. Because education is Le présent simple est IMPOSSIBLE dans une phrase exprimant une durée ...increasing for many years, the young have more opportunities to develop themselves as well. For instance, they can go to the library or in the internet in order to find more resources. In contrast, it not likes that in the previous period.
    In conclusion, these three important reasons can express that the young generation knows best. This is why the old should accept these reasons, and then they should motivate their new generations. Moreover, the young will use their knowledge to change and improve their society in the future.

    Pourquoi refaire les erreurs déjà signalées? Bleu = faux; vert = suggestion;XXXX élément manquant.

    Réponse : Technology/aide de theavy, postée le 12-01-2017 à 13:13:47 (S | E)
    Merci pour votre réponse. C'est mon nouveau texte.

    Nowadays, technology is very modern and from one generation to another one, people know better than before. In my opinion, I agree when they assert that the young generation knows better. There are three main reasons that make the young generation know better such as high technology, communication, and a better education.
    The first point is high technology. These days, children, teenagers or adults live in a technology era. They can invent what they want. For example, they invent many useful things such as I Phones, I pads, computers, underground electric, robots and other things. One more things, they compete many their amazing things at international science fairs, etc. Furthermore, they do much research on their lessons and their lives.
    Secondly, the young generations have better communication than the old generation. They dare speak with strangers even in their countries or abroad. Sometimes, they get more knowledge from that person, especially foreigners. For instance, if we stay alone, we can’t know news and don’t have good idea or general knowledge.
    Thirdly, the new generations have high education. Today, there are many standard schools which are teaching young generations. So they can absorb much knowledge from the schools where have high quality. In addition, they can apply this knowledge appropriately into their lives. Because education increases for many years, the young have more opportunities to develop themselves as well. For instance, they can go to the library or on the internet in order to find more resources.
    In conclusion, these three important reasons can show the young generation knows best. This is why the old should accept these reasons, and then they should motivate the new generations. Moreover, the young will use their knowledge to change and improve their society in the future.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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