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    The missing vowels/252

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    The missing vowels/252
    Message de marit64 posté le 14-03-2018 à 21:32:30 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    I'm giving you the number of vowels in 8 out of 10 answers.

    1- Humble and not likely to complain, argue, react strongly etc. ..... (k m) 2

    2- To move about stealthily in order to steal, attack, catch etc. ..... (r l p w) 1

    3- To stop or hinder (someone) from doing something. ..... (h t t w r) 1

    4- Very hungry. ..... (m s d f h)

    5- An official counting especially of a country's inhabitants. ..... (n s c s)

    6- The act of making an untrue spoken, not written, statement about a person with the intention of damaging that person's reputation. ..... (d l n s r) 2

    7- A place in which birds are kept. ..... (r v) 4

    8- To shout at or laugh at rudely or mockingly. ..... (r j) 2

    9- Very obvious; shameless. ..... (l t b t n) 2

    10- The part of a road on which cars etc travel. ..... (d r w) 4

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/252 de flowermusic, postée le 14-03-2018 à 22:43:09 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit

    Nice moment here !!!

    Salut à la fine équipe

    1- Humble and not likely to complain, argue, react strongly etc. ..... (k m) 2 meek

    2- To move about stealthily in order to steal, attack, catch etc. ..... (r l p w) 1 prowl

    3- To stop or hinder (someone) from doing something. ..... (h t t w r) 1 thwart

    4- Very hungry. ..... (m s d f h) famished

    5- An official counting especially of a country's inhabitants. ..... (n s c s) census

    6- The act of making an untrue spoken, not written, statement about a person with the intention of damaging that person's reputation. ..... (d l n s r) 2 slander

    7- A place in which birds are kept. ..... (r v) 4 aviary

    8- To shout at or laugh at rudely or mockingly. ..... (r j) 2 jeer

    9- Very obvious; shameless. ..... (l t b t n) 2 blatant

    10- The part of a road on which cars etc travel. ..... (d r w) 4 roadway

    Have a sweet sweet week

    Modifié par flowermusic le 15-03-2018 07:37

    Il est toujours plus facile d'avoir l'oeil du lynx pour les autres que pour soi. Merci Chocolat qui a vu que j'avais laissé en clair une réponse.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/252 de chocolatcitron, postée le 14-03-2018 à 22:56:05 (S | E)
    The missing vowels-252 de marit64.
    Hello my dear Marit, and thank you for the new exercise !
    Hi everybody!

    Here is my work :
    1- Humble and not likely to complain, argue, react strongly etc. (k m) 2 meek = humble, modeste.

    2- To move about stealthily in order to steal, attack, catch etc. (r l p w) 1 prowl = traque, recherche, chasse, qui rôde.
    3- To stop or hinder (someone) from doing something. (h t t w r) 1 thwart = repousser, contrecarrer, contrarier.
    4- Very hungry. (m s d f h) famished = affamé.
    5- An official counting especially of a country's inhabitants. (n s c s) census = recensement.

    6- The act of making an untrue spoken, not written, statement about a person with the intention of damaging that person's reputation. (d l n s r) 2 slander = calomnie, diffamation.
    7- A place in which birds are kept. (r v) 4 aviary = volière.
    8- To shout at or laugh at rudely or mockingly. (r j) 2 jeer = pousser des cris hostiles.
    9- Very obvious; shameless. (l t b t n) 2 blatant= flagrant.
    10- The part of a road on which cars etc travel. (d r w) 4 roadway = chaussée.

    Have a very sweet week!
    Très bonne semaine à toute l'équipe !
    See you soon.

    Merci Flower... !

    Réponse : The missing vowels/252 de afarodj, postée le 14-03-2018 à 22:57:05 (S | E)
    Hi dear Marit . Thank you for this new good exercice.
    Hi everybody .

    Here is my try. Have a nice week.

    1- Humble and not likely to complain, argue, react strongly etc. ..... (k m) 2.-Meek.- Docile.

    2- To move about stealthily in order to steal, attack, catch etc. ..... (r l p w) 1 .-Prowl.-Rôder.

    3- To stop or hinder (someone) from doing something. ..... (h t t w r) 1 .-Thwart.- Contrecarrer.

    4- Very hungry. ..... (m s d f h) .-Famished.- Affamé.

    5- An official counting especially of a country's inhabitants. ..... (n s c s) .-Census.- Recensement.

    6- The act of making an untrue spoken, not written, statement about a person with the intention of damaging that person's reputation. ..... (d l n s r) 2 .-Slander.- Calomnie.

    7- A place in which birds are kept. ..... (r v) 4 .-Aviary.- Volière.

    8- To shout at or laugh at rudely or mockingly. ..... (r j) 2 .-Jeer.-Huer/Railler.

    9- Very obvious; shameless. ..... (l t b t n) 2 .-Blatant.- Éhonté.

    10- The part of a road on which cars etc travel. ..... (d r w) 4 .-Roadway.- Chaussée.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/252 de peticha, postée le 14-03-2018 à 23:13:39 (S | E)
    The missing vowels-252
    Message de marit64 posté le 14-03-2018 à 21:32:30 (S | E | F)
    Hello dear marit and thank you for your funny exercise !
    Hi everybody!

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    I'm giving you the number of vowels in 8 out of 10 answers.

    Here is my try:
    1- Humble and not likely to complain, argue, react strongly etc. ..... (k m) 2 meek: humble, modeste.

    2- To move about stealthily in order to steal, attack, catch etc. ..... (r l p w) 1 prowl: rôder, en chasse.

    3- To stop or hinder (someone) from doing something. ..... (h t t w r) 1 twart: repousser, contrarier, contrecarrer.

    4- Very hungry. ..... (m s d f h) famished: affamé.

    5- An official counting especially of a country's inhabitants. ..... (n s c s) census: recensement.

    6- The act of making an untrue spoken, not written, statement about a person with the intention of damaging that person's reputation. ..... (d l n s r) 2 slander: diffamation, calomnie.

    7- A place in which birds are kept. ..... (r v) 4 aviary: volière.

    8- To shout at or laugh at rudely or mockingly. ..... (r j) 2 jeer: pousser des cris hostiles.

    9- Very obvious; shameless. ..... (l t b t n) 2 blatant: flagrant.

    10- The part of a road on which cars etc travel. ..... (d r w) 4 roadway: chaussée.

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Merci chocolatcitron et flowermusic pour vos yeux de lynx et votre attention !

    Réponse : The missing vowels/252 de daisy50, postée le 15-03-2018 à 12:09:41 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    Here is my try :

    1- Humble and not likely to complain, argue, react strongly etc. ..... (k m) 2 meek

    2- To move about stealthily in order to steal, attack, catch etc. ..... (r l p w) 1 prowl

    3- To stop or hinder (someone) from doing something. ..... (h t t w r) 1 thwart

    4- Very hungry. ..... (m s d f h) famished

    5- An official counting especially of a country's inhabitants. ..... (n s c s) census

    6- The act of making an untrue spoken, not written, statement about a person with the intention of damaging that person's reputation. ..... (d l n s r) 2 slander

    7- A place in which birds are kept. ..... (r v) 4 aviary

    8- To shout at or laugh at rudely or mockingly. ..... (r j) 2 jeer

    9- Very obvious; shameless. ..... (l t b t n) 2 blatant

    10- The part of a road on which cars etc travel. ..... (d r w) 4 roadway

    Thanks a lot Marit for all these new words.

    Have an excellent week. See you later!

    Réponse : The missing vowels/252 de sanna6, postée le 20-03-2018 à 18:31:28 (S | E)
    Hello Marit Hello Everyone

    Thank you very much for this new Missing Vowels Marit!

    1- Humble and not likely to complain, argue, react strongly etc. ..... (k m) 2 Meek - Doux

    2- To move about stealthily in order to steal, attack, catch etc. ..... (r l p w) 1 To prowl - Rôder

    3- To stop or hinder (someone) from doing something. ..... (h t t w r) 1 To thwart - Repousser

    4- Very hungry. ..... (m s d f h) Famished - Affamé

    5- An official counting especially of a country's inhabitants. ..... (n s c s) Census - Recensement

    6- The act of making an untrue spoken, not written, statement about a person with the intention of damaging that person's reputation. ..... (d l n s r) 2 Slander - Calomnie

    7- A place in which birds are kept. ..... (r v) 4 Aviary - Volière

    8- To shout at or laugh at rudely or mockingly. ..... (r j) 2 To jeer - Railler

    9- Very obvious; shameless. ..... (l t b t n) 2 Blatant - Flagrant

    10- The part of a road on which cars etc travel. ..... (d r w) 4 Roadway - Route

    Have a good Spring season everybody (today it isn't perfect but the best come it's sure and that couldn't be worse than today!)

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux


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